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Mekenna Unfurnished
Added: 12 December 2008, 11:47
Author: TammyB
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 702 Kb
Downloaded: 2414 times (0.41 times per day)
Requires: No custom content or stuff packs needed.
The Sims 2, Uni, NL, Pets, OFB, Seasons, BV, FT
Sections: Lots, Residential, TammyB
1 story, unfurnished version of Mekenna.
Cost: § 53,458
Mekenna Furnished
Added: 12 December 2008, 11:42
Author: TammyB
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 805 Kb
Downloaded: 4237 times (0.71 times per day)
Requires: No custom content or stuff packs needed.
The Sims 2, Uni, NL, Pets, OFB, Seasons, BV, FT
Sections: Lots, Residential, TammyB
1 level modern home with 2-car detached garage. Furnished through-out.
Lot size: Medium 5x3
Bedrooms: 2
Baths: 1
Cost: §113,144
Chelsea Furnished
Added: 12 December 2008, 11:20
Author: TammyB
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.15 Mb
Downloaded: 7661 times (1.29 times per day)
Requires: No custom content or stuff packs needed.
The Sims 2, Uni, NL, Pets, OFB, Seasons, BV, FT
Sections: Lots, Residential, TammyB
Contemporary home for the entertaining sim!
Out door entertaining area, spa, star gazing balcony, exercise and computer areas, and more.
Lot size: medium 3x3
Bedrooms: 2
Baths: 2
Levels: 2.5 story
Cost: §149,748
Chelsea Unfurnished
Added: 12 December 2008, 11:08
Author: TammyB
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1021 Kb
Downloaded: 4637 times (0.78 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Uni, NL, Pets, OFB, Seasons, BV, FT
Sections: Lots, Residential, TammyB
Unfurnished contemporary version of Chelsea
Lot size: Medium 3x3
Bedrooms: 2
Baths: 2
Levels: 2.5 story
Cost: §51,790
Wilson Furnished
Added: 11 December 2008, 22:48
Author: TammyB
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 975 Kb
Downloaded: 2654 times (0.45 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2, Uni, NL, Pets, OFB, BV, FT
Sections: Lots, Residential, TammyB
2-story, brick home furnished completely through-out.
Lot Size: Medium 3x3
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 1 and a half
Cost: §127,950
Wilson Unfurnished
Added: 11 December 2008, 22:44
Author: TammyB
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 741 Kb
Downloaded: 1511 times (0.25 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2, Uni, NL, Pets, OFB, FT, BV, Seasons
Sections: Lots, Residential, TammyB
This 2-story, brick home is the unfurnished version of Wilson.
Lot Size: 3x3
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 1 and a half
Cost: §45,653
Sacriston House
Added: 17 October 2008, 00:26
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.34 Mb
Downloaded: 3186 times (0.53 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Apartment Life
Sections: Andy, Lots, Residential
This is a four unit apartment building. Each unit has two bedrooms, one bathroom and moderately sized lounge and dining area. There is a communal playground for the children and a landscaped garden and dining area for the rest of the family.
Weekly rent for these units range from §2,089 to §2,249. These attractive units should be ideal for a working family.
Nightingale Tower
Added: 17 October 2008, 00:23
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.34 Mb
Downloaded: 3292 times (0.55 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Apartment Life
Sections: Andy, Lots, Residential
This is a four unit apartment building, which are all single bedroom and bathroom with a decent sized lounge and dining area. There is also a communal lounge on the ground floor, a hottub in the garden and a dining area up on the roof.
Weekly rent for these units range from §1,527 to §1,926. These units should be ideal for a single or couple starting out.
Hampshire Place
Added: 17 October 2008, 00:20
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1017 Kb
Downloaded: 2302 times (0.38 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Apartment Life
Sections: Andy, Lots, Residential
Decorated in the colonial style, each unit in this triplex has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, large lounge, private garden and a communal garden and BBQ area.
Weekly rent for these units ranges from §3,666 to §3,730. These units should be suitable for families with two incomes.
St. Margaret's Church & Rectory
Added: 25 May 2008, 14:04
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.67 Mb
Downloaded: 3927 times (0.64 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open For Business
Sections: Andy, Lots, Residential
The church of St. Margaret of Newton used to be the social centre of the village in years gone by. With a four bedroom rectory and two vehicles to help do parish business, in the hands of a new minister and family or followers, could the spiritual life of your community be restored? Alternatively, the land could be applied in a different way.
Cost: §199,906
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