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941. Sims 2 DVD Pack shots and screenshots
Written on Wednesday 4 August 2004 at 21:37 by ChEeTaH - 6 comments.
Several online shops have posted a new pack shot of the DVD edition of the Sims 2 on their sites. It's similar to the one seen before, but nevertheless interesting to watch - see the two shots below, click them to enlarge. Unfortunately a European release of the DVD is still unconfirmed. Furthermore, the same shops have also posted 3 new small screenshots. They too are similar to some screenshots that have been seen before, but are still worth a look. All the new graphics can be seen in larger versions by clicking the thumbnails below.

DVD Pack shot (1) DVD Pack shot (2) Screenshot (1) Screenshot (2) Screenshot (3)

942. New House Added
Written on Wednesday 4 August 2004 at 17:35 by Carrie - 0 comments.
(Lot 65) Juniper Knoll

Hi everyone. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Carrie and I have returned as a designer here at TSZ. For my first new submission, I have designed a house called Juniper Knoll. It is located on lot 65 and requires all of the expansion packs.

Check the file out!

943. New Files Section Launched
Written on Tuesday 3 August 2004 at 18:26 by ChEeTaH - 3 comments.
Hard work has been going on in the background the past few weeks to bring you something great and almost new. The files section has been rewritten almost from scratch, and many features have been added. First of all, there are nested sections, which means they are sorted better. Also, files may be placed in several sections at a time (more than just 2 as before), so you will definitely find the file you're looking for fairly easily. Add the new 'portal', sorting options, a far more powerful search than ever before here at The Sims Zone, and finally the previews on the overview pages, and it's all a lot better. None of the old functionality has gone lost, but everything has been improved greatly. In the next few weeks some administration might go on in the background, and so you might notice a few changes every now and then. That means you won't see the new "Requirements" fields in action for now, but sooner or later the files that require specific expansion packs or other custom content will show it separately (as long as the information has been provided to us).

If you find a bug or notice that something is wrong, please e-mail me and we'll get it fixed. Thank you.


944. Boring? Dull? Repetitive? The Sims? Try This
Written on Sunday 1 August 2004 at 02:53 by Neil - 0 comments.
Are you fed up with your game at times? Whoever said that kids have to school at 9am-3pm simtime? Why can't they go to night school instead? Whoever decreed that text in the game has to be standard, uneditable and just plain dull? Why does the Buy music get annoying after the 15th play?

Well, be fed up no more because YOU can change all of this. Yes, customise your game in a way it has never been customised before. Music - easy. For real power, you have to dig deep into the guts of the game and here's how you do it. Click Here to read.


945. New Body Shop Submission
Written on Saturday 31 July 2004 at 21:36 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
FaithK has sent us a new submission for the Body Shop. It's a tropical bikini for the female Sims. If you want to see and download it, check out the Beach Swim Suit. If you have a submission for us to be posted, send us an e-mail. Include at least the following information:
  1. The Display name for the file
  2. A description of the contents of the file
  3. Your name (as it should appear along with the submission)
  4. Optional, your e-mail address to be posted along with the name (note: NOT spam-proof!)
  5. Your website URL + Name (if any)
  6. A preview picture (preferrably in JPG format)
  7. The file itself
If possible, pack the information in a readme file together with the preview picture and the file itself in a Zip file. If you don't know how to do that, or if the file is too big to be sent through the form, just e-mail us and we'll get back to you. After that you can send the files as normal attachments. For Body Shop files, pack the file with the Sims2 Packer if you can. Sending us a plain .package file might take a little longer to be posted. Keep submitting files like FaithK did, as we're happy to see them on this site!

946. Sims 2 Website Frontpage and Screenshots [Update]
Written on Saturday 31 July 2004 at 21:16 by ChEeTaH - 3 comments.
A new subsite of the official Sims 2 one has been found which looks like a new frontpage for the website. It's a flash site with links to the pre-order page, screenshots, videos and the showcase. The main thing on the page are 5 Sims, one for each aspiration track. You can see their thoughts when hovering the mouse over them. Although it's not mentioned at the ESRB Website yet, the rating is already said to be T for Teen (13+). So have a look at The Sims 2 DLand (as it's called) if you want to know more.

Furthermore there are some new screenshots. One comes from the Danish site, and looks similar to an old one. It's a shot of a garden, but this time in a different angle. Then there are two from this month's Scoop newsletter. Although I haven't received it yet, SimsZone says there's nothing really new in it except those screenshots. It's said that Johnny's love Ophelia causes problems with him playing video games. The last two are from The Sims 2 Creation. The first is a scan from a magazine, the other is an artwork created by them from the official Sims 2 website intro. Click the thumbnails below to see them. Thanks to SimsZone, SnootySims and The Sims 2 Creation for all the news and screenshots.

[Update 2 August 21:00] With thanks to Fabian from SimsZone, I can clear up the bit about the Smiths in the newsletter a bit. This is what is said about the screenshots exactly:
"Johnny Smith's life aspiration is popularity, but he is faced with one of his fears when rejected by his heartthrob Ophelia. See if Johnny Smith is able to overcome his fear and unlock love- so long as his desire to play videogames doesn't get in the way. Will Johnny ultimately get what he wants?"
Another slightly new thing that is on the side of the newsletter, is a tip from Prima (they make the 'official' strategy guides for the Sims games):
"Popularity and Romance Aspiration Sims make great roommates because of their different but similarly-met goals. A popularity Sim wants friends, a Romance Sim wants lovers. One third-party Sim can, with no jealousy, be Romance's lover and Popularity's friend."
Garden Johnny and Co Johnny and Girlfriend Create A Sim Sims 2 Website Intro Artwork

947. Lucy's Mail: Body Shop Improvements
Written on Saturday 31 July 2004 at 05:19 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Recently there have been discussions in several forums about custom content made using the Body Shop being 'stolen' (regularly parts or Sims are not or wrongly credited). Maxis is going to improve things for artists on that matter, mainly through an upgrade of the Body Shop which will be released together with the game. The upgraded version will support longer tooltips (40 characters instead of 16 - still not very long in my opinion). On the exchange (ShowCase), the separate custom parts of a Sim will be mentioned and credit will be given to the original author - at least the first person to upload the part unmodified to the ShowCase. Finally there will be updates just for the Body Shop and not so much for the Exchange, which will make it a more powerful tool. Expect a free camera mode, as well as the ability to change the background picture of the Body Shop (make it white if you want) in the next version of the Body Shop.

Since creators often aren't happy to see their creations taken by somebody else without the credit given back, it's always wise to give credit to those who made content you upload. Don't copy Sims to the ShowCase directly, or upload Sims from websites there, as in many cases the artists might not like that. The solutions provided by Maxis in the future will definitely be a step forward.

Attached to Lucy's mail were also three screenshots with a theft theme. The fourth picture shows the new exchange, but also what seems to be the design of the new official Sims 2 website (though that's unconfirmed). You can click the thumbnails below to see them in large. Go to the Read More part for the entire mail, which includes some more details about the upcoming improvements.

Theft (1) Theft (2) Theft (3) The future Sims 2 Exchange
Read More!

948. Sims 2 Videos
Written on Saturday 31 July 2004 at 01:59 by ChEeTaH - 2 comments.
Two new videos of The Sims 2 have appeared on the net. The first one is a Japanese one, and is a trailer of the game - in Japanese. And although it's hard to understand what's said, it contains a bit of new gameplay material (as well as some old trailer images). You can find that video, 23 Mb for 4 minutes of video from here, or get the low quality version (6 Mb) right here.

The other video is not entirely new. Part of it was published earlier at ITavisen.no. This time however, it's the original video (2 minutes). It goes through the different aspiration tracks. If you want to see it, just go here. It's about 3 Mb big, QuickTime required.

949. The Sims - How do you play yours? (Part 4)
Written on Friday 30 July 2004 at 22:45 by Andy - 0 comments.

Do not adjust your set. Mortimer Goth is really in another woman's arms. Stay tuned to find out what happened in this week's gripping part of "The Sims - How do you play yours?"
It's all in here

950. SimDay
Written on Thursday 29 July 2004 at 15:41 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
This week's SimDay is again fairly small. There's a bit about SimLish, but we've shown you that before as it's from Lucy's Mail. If you want to read it on the official site, click here. Some old wallpapers have also been reposted. They were from the Scoop newsletter, and can be viewed again on the Goodies page. That leaves one new thing this SimDay, and that's some Album Awards. Voting has ended already and the results should be in soon. See the BBS Thread for more information. That's all this week, perhaps there will be more next week.