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931. UrbzDay
Written on Thursday 12 August 2004 at 21:38 by ChEeTaH - 2 comments.
Somewhat bigger than SimDay, there are a few new things for the Urbz. The first thing to notice is that the new logo is now placed on the official website as well. Old news is the "new trailer" which has been posted at IGN earlier. The announcement that Sims become toys, posted here yesterday has also been put on the website. Furthermore there are fourteen new screenshots (see below), of which 5 show off the EyeToy capabilities of the PS2 version. Finally there's of course the weekly blog, by Scot Amos again. He talks about how close The Urbz on the consoles is getting to Alpha stage:
"Call the neighbors, wake the kids, it's almost ALPHA! That's right... just a few days away until The Urbz goes "ALPHA". Alpha, as I've stated before, is EVERYTHING in the game and you can play it all the way through. We're actually almost there now (ahead of schedule) but we have to really, honestly, thoroughly be able to play the thing from start to finish before we can be declared Alpha."
For the entire blog, see official Urbz website.

Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6 Screen 7 Screen 8 Screen 9

EyeToy Screen 1 EyeToy Screen 2 EyeToy Screen 3 EyeToy Screen 4 EyeToy Screen 5

932. SimDay: 3 New Screens [Update - And a contest]
Written on Thursday 12 August 2004 at 21:12 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
This week's SimDay is extremely small. All that's new are 6 screenshots of the Sims 2, of which we posted 3 earlier this week together with Lucy's Mail. You can find them below. There's nothing else, unfortunately.

[Update 13 August, 15:00] A mention of a new sweepstakes contest, organised by Teen People and the Sims 2, has been added. People from the United States, between the age of 13 and 24, are elegible to enter. You can win a "trip for 2 to L.A. including: Airfare, hotel, dinner at a hip Hollywood hangout, and a shopping spree at one of Hollywood’s hottest boutiques," or one of ten copies of The Sims 2 together with a T-Shirt. See the contest page for details, and make sure to read the official rules.

Party (1) Party (2) Party (3)

933. Hot Date - How To Build Yours (Part 2) Online
Written on Wednesday 11 August 2004 at 22:56 by Neil - 0 comments.
Part two of my Hot Date editorial series is now online - see here! to check it out.

In this edition, learn how to build Marks & Spencer downtown (or at least, a very cut down version of it), make your own Angie's Den - within Sims limits of course (the ghost of Dirty Den is not included pronto) and even shove some gravel down and call it The Sims Blue Peter Garden (deceased George the tortoise complete with patronising speech from overpaid presenters not supplied).

Oh, and for anybody who doesn't get the references in this text - follow the Read More link).

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934. New Sims 2 Screenshots [Update]
Written on Monday 9 August 2004 at 14:22 by ChEeTaH - 7 comments.
Two other Sims Zones have posted some new screenshots of the Sims 2. The first one is our affiliate SimsZone Germany, which has reposted the screenshots from Giga Games, but this time in slightly better quality, thanks to a repeat of the show. Go to their Screenshot section and scroll down for the high quality screenshots.

Sims Zone Poland has posted a selection of brand new screenshots of the game. They show a part of Veronaville, but also quite a bit of unique in-game material. The schoolbus and the kids getting in are shown for example, but you can also see a toddler hanging over the toilet pot. You can also see toddler Beau just after he's grown up to be a child, and achieved the aspiration level of Diaper-Filler. Finally, there are a few party screenshots as well. You can see them all below, click the thumbnails for large versions.

[Update 10 August, 11:10] It seems that Sims Zone Poland will be posting new screenshots almost every day for the next few days. Today they've already posted 20 new screenshots on the page mentioned above. Instead of reporting about it every time, you'll have to keep checking their screenshots page for the new screenshots. Thanks to Piotr for telling this in the comments.

Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 1 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 2 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 3 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 4 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 5 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 6 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 7 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 8 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 9 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 10 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 11 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 12 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 13 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 14 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 15 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 16 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 17 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 18

935. New URBZ (Console) Trailer
Written on Sunday 8 August 2004 at 02:08 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
IGN has posted a new trailer of the URBZ. It's a 2 minute video, with some old and new in-game material to look at. The beginning and end is the same as the 30-second trailer posted on URBZDay over a week ago. For non-Insiders there's an 11.6 Mb version available, in Windows Media Player format. IGN Insiders can get a 17.1 Mb QuickTime version as well. The video can be viewed and downloaded from the URBZ videos page.

936. Lucy's Mail: Party Time
Written on Saturday 7 August 2004 at 14:27 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Lucy's mail has arrived again this week, and this week she's in a party mood. She says the team is going to "party like it's 2999" when the game goes final. In the game itself you'll be able to hold all different kinds of parties, from weddings to anniversaries or even birthdays. Since parties are all about social interactions, Lucy's advice is not to bring Sims who don't like each other to the party. Also, you must bring enough Sims to make a good party: "expect only modest social success if you include fewer than three guests at your party. As they say - two's company, three's a crowd, but four or more is a par-tay!" There will of course be objects which will help you throw a good party. Think of some food (buffet table probably), balloons and birthday or wedding cakes. One final piece of advice is to keep open fire to a minimum at your parties...

Included are 3 screenshots of the game, but also some snapshots of the best Sims from the Create-A-Lucy/Jonathan/Tim contest. All of them are shown below. Go to the "Read More" part for the entire e-mail.

Party Screenshots:
Party! (1) Party! (2) Party! (3)

Contest Winners:
Lucy from Contest (1) Lucy from Contest (2) Lucy from Contest (3) Jonathan from Contest (1) Jonathan from Contest (2) Tim from Contest (1) Tim from Contest (2)
Read More!

937. Giga Games Screen captures [Update 3: 22:45 - and videos]
Written on Friday 6 August 2004 at 14:44 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
The Sims 2 was shown at Giga Games yesterday, and quite a bit of in-game material was found. Unfortunately the live stream wasn't of too great quality and it wasn't possible to record it from that properly. However, I do have 11 in-game shots for you though, from the first bits they showed. They are from selecting a neighborhood, a view of Veronaville, a family selected in the neighborhood (the green lines indicate where friends of the family live), a loading screen, and some in-game shots showing different panels at the bottom (personality, career, relationships and aspiration rewards). Another site, TheSims.de (unofficial), has also posted 12 shots from the same show, but all taken slightly later onwards. On those you can see a few general in-game shots, including the 'menu', but also the PIP (Picture-In-Picture), the "Online Job Finder", and more. The quality of all the shots isn't very high, but it's all there is (for now anyway). You can see all shots in the "Read More" bit (either shown below or follow the link to it), click the thumbnails for larger versions. Please do not leech (hot-link) to these pictures, but copy them to your own server or link to this article instead.

[Update 13:05] Affiliate SimsZone has also ust posted a bunch of shots from the same show. They're somewhat similar to the others, but slightly bigger. New from those shots are the descriptions of some of the Aspiration Reward objects. They screenshots have been added below as well. Another thing they tell about is about two of the aspiration rewards: the first one is a "Noodle Shooter" which will get your Sim in a good mood when they put this cap on. The "Thinking Cap" is another object, though it's not said what it does exactly.

[Update 2: 19:30] Spanish site SimsExpress has been able to capture the livestream properly. In two segments (one of 7 Mb, another of 14 Mb in .asf format). You can find them in the "Reportaje de Los Sims 2 en Giga Games" news post at their front page. The talking is in German, but the in-game images might be worth a look for everybody. Besides watching the images, there's also some in-game music to listen to.

[Update 3: 22:45] Another German site, inSims.de, has posted a video of 3 minutes and a half, containing a compilation of in-game pictures from the Giga Games broadcast. It's in DivX format, and it can be downloaded from its details page (26 Mb). Thanks to TCAM for the tip.
Read More!

938. SimDay
Written on Thursday 5 August 2004 at 21:57 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
As usual it's SimDay on thursday. This week there is a link to the ninth designer diary at GameSpot, and its screenshots have been posted as well. There's also a mention of the URBZ focus group, which we mentioned at URBZDay. A n interview on the official site's BBS is also highlighted. It's with TheSidDog, whose album Wasteland is highlighted as well this week. Read both Part I and Part II for the interview. Two other small things are a new poll on the official site, as well as a community update. Last but not least, there are two new NPCs to be downloaded. If you have SuperStar, go to the Get Cool Stuff / NPC section to download Bon Jovie (235 Kb) and Richie Sambora (230 Kb). That's all this week.

939. Submission Added
Written on Thursday 5 August 2004 at 02:02 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
We have added another submission today, by AngelRose. She's sent us a set of four paintings of animals. To get them, go to its download page. To AngelRose herself: unfortunately the e-mail you submitted the file with has never arrived, though the file was uploaded. Please contact me if anything needs changing, thank you.


940. New Poll
Written on Thursday 5 August 2004 at 02:00 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Last week we held a poll about the colour of your Sims' rooms. After a week with 554 votes, it turns out Blue was the big winner with 23% of the votes. The rainbow (i.e. people who use many colours) got second with 18%. Furthermore White got 10% and red 9%. All the other options where in the minority. See the results page for the exact results.

As for this week, we go green. We want to know if your Sims do their gardening, or if they have it done by somebody. Let us know and vote on the right or on the latest poll page. For more polls, check out our poll archive. Enjoy!