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51. 2 New Vampire Screenshots
Written on Friday 6 February 2009 at 18:19 by Rosana - 0 comments.
I received two exclusive vampire screenshots from EA today.

The Sims 3 Screenshot The Sims 3 Screenshot

52. The Sims 3: 2 June 2009
Written on Tuesday 3 February 2009 at 20:55 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
According to our affiliates at WorldSims The Sims 3 has been delayed until June 2 of this year. Apparently a press release went up on the official Sims 3 site earlier today, which got removed again shortly thereafter. More definite news is expected in about an hour (2PM PST), during EA's quarterly conference call, but it looks like 2 June will in fact be the date. The information seems genuine. Simultaneous to the PC release, the Sims 3 will be out on Mac, iPhone/iPod Touch and mobile. Note that 2 June is the US release date: in other countries the game may be released a few days later. We expect the UK and most of Europe to get the game at Friday 5 June.

[Update] It's official, the press release is out. Read more here. During the conference call EA CEO John Riccitiello remarked that in the last quarter, EA's titles did not perform as expected. As stated in the press release, EA wants to raise more awareness for The Sims 3 in the extra development time. EA will launch a worldwide marketing campaign that The Sims 3 deserves, according to Riccitiello. This falls in place with a new strategy to invest more time and effort to be really innovative with the marketing. The move of The Sims 3 (and other EA titles) means that instead of fiscal year '09, the game will be out in fiscal year '10 (April 2009 to March 2010). EA does believe that The Sims 3 is the most important title of fiscal 2010.

Along with this news, EA has published three new screenshots and a trailer, as well as a new box shot for the regular and the collector's edition. The first box shows that the PC and Mac versions will both be on the same disc. Click the thumbnails below for large versions.

Download Trailer (QuickTime, 11 Mb)
The Sims 3 - Box Art The Sims 3 Collector's Edition - Box Art The Sims 3 - Screenshot 1 The Sims 3 - Screenshot 2 The Sims 3 - Screenshot 3

53. Replacing Bigfoot
Written on Thursday 8 January 2009 at 02:11 by Andy - 0 comments.

Ever thought that Bigfoot from "Bon Voyage" just looked like a hairy human in need of a shave and less like the one you've seen either in in the National Enquirer or meeting the Hendersons in either the movie or in his own TV show?

If so, then you can now replace him with this less human and more weird creature with a more defined face. Using various sources, this is how Realsurge has reworked this creature and provides this replacement for our enjoyment.

You can download it from here!


54. 25,000,000 AND COUNTING !!!
Written on Friday 12 December 2008 at 01:50 by Andy - 3 comments.

Another landmark in the history of The Sims Zone was recently reached when we had our 25 millionth hit and as the Site Manager, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our visitors over the past years for your support as without you, there wouldn't be much point in our being here.

I would also like to thank our staff for their support despite offline activities having taken up a lot of their time over the past year.

ChEeTaH and Rosie are tied up with young family life and their academic studies although ChEeTaH will always stop what he is doing to help if I have a technical "under the hood" problem with the site. Rosie is also juggling her studies with young motherhood, which I am told from various sources can be a fulltime job in itself.

MissWendy is also very busy with her college studies and doing very well. I am indebted to her for her support and encouragement and her series of stuffpack reviews over the past year.

However, I would like to welcome TammyB who is our newest staff member. Tammy is a talented lot designer and has already posted her first upload. "Wilson" is a 2-storey redbrick house and is available both in furnished and unfurnished modes. She will also be adding more lots and wall/floor sets as the weeks go by. For one, I will be watching her file section with great interest.

I will be trying to keep up with new creations and news coverage, which is especially important now considering The Sims 3 will be with us in under 10 weeks!!!. Now that there will be no more official releases for The Sims 2, I will also be penning my thoughts about The Sims 2 and trying to see the future for what has been an excellent series. Before any of you ask, though, due to my offline commitments, I sadly do not yet have the time to commit to another series of Sim Brother but hope to keep you entertained in other ways.

Once again, a heartfelt thanks to all of our fans and supporters who have made up many of those 25 million hits and we promise to do our best to continue to serve you with downloads, news, views, and reviews until we hit our next major landmark of hits.

Dag dag!!

55. Mansion and Garden Stuff Pack Review
Written on Wednesday 3 December 2008 at 02:00 by MissWendy - 1 comment.

Loading up the final stuff pack from Maxis, we take a look at how the series is ending with Mansions and Gardens.

Check the editorial out!


56. The Sims 2 Apartment Life - Penthouse Paradise or Flatshare from Hell? - Part 8
Written on Sunday 9 November 2008 at 04:19 by Andy - 0 comments.

In the final part of our indepth review of Apartment Life, we look at what cheats are available, the bugs that remain following two patches, we let you know what is coming next and we give you our conclusions as to whether we feel this expansion pack brings the series to an end in a fitting way or whether it is a bit of a disappointment.

To get the latest part of the review, click here.

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here!


57. The Sims 2 Apartment Life - Penthouse Paradise or Flatshare from Hell? - Part 7
Written on Wednesday 5 November 2008 at 19:04 by Andy - 0 comments.

In the seventh and penultimate part of our in-depth review of Apartment Life, we will be looking at Belladonna Cove. We will be looking at the different parts of the neighborhood, looking at the different amenities available and a new form of transport to get about. We will also be looking at the different families who live in Belladonna Cove and seeing how their plotlines look as though they could develop.

To get the latest part of the review, click here.

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here!


58. The Sims 2 Apartment Life - Penthouse Paradise or Flatshare from Hell? - Part 6
Written on Friday 24 October 2008 at 04:36 by Andy - 0 comments.

In this part of our continuing indepth review of "Apartment Life", we look in detail at the differences and similarities between living on your own lot and living on a rented lot. We look at how getting to know your landlord might work in your favour and also look at some of the pros and cons of having roomies.

To get the latest part of the review, click here.

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here!


Written on Friday 17 October 2008 at 00:42 by Andy - 1 comment.

Hampshire Place, Nightingale Tower and Sacriston House are three apartment buildings available for you to place in your neighborhoods.

Click on the pictures to check out each of them or click here to access more of my creations.

More downloads from our staff coming very soon plus the next part of our indepth review.


60. The Sims 2 Apartment Life - Penthouse Paradise or Flatshare from Hell? - Part 5
Written on Thursday 2 October 2008 at 22:40 by Andy - 0 comments.

Isn't this sweet?

In this fifth and long overdue part of our review of Apartment Life, we firstly have a look at some of the new social interactions that have been added into the game. Also, we look at how this expansion has introduced a social class structure into The Sims 2 through the use of the five new social groups. Finally, we look at the effects of reputation on the life of a sim.

To get the latest part of the review, click here!

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here.