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441. Belated Birthday Goodies
Written on Friday 18 November 2005 at 06:00 by Andy - 1 comment.
Whether you would like to rub shoulders with a young royal, find a supermarket that sells almost anything, get a new medium-range house or instead take out your frustrations on a certain man who does not approve of hot coffee, here are some more downloads to celebrate our fourth birthday at TSZ.

Click right here!

Happy Birthday again from TSZ and thankyou for your continued support.
Dag dag!

442. Happy Birthday to TSZ!
Written on Thursday 17 November 2005 at 23:38 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
Once apon a time, 17 November 2001 to be precise, a new Sims site was born. A team from a closed site about their mutual hobby had relaunched it, but differently. Their aspiration: to become one of the biggest fansites for the Sims in the world...

It's exactly four years later now, and we're well under way of getting to our Lifetime Want. Maybe not quite there yet, but we're still in our teenage years and have a lot of time to get there, if need be using some Elixir of Life to stay young. As long as Mr. Reaper doesn't pay a visit we'll continue to bring you the best in the Sims news, information, downloads, and more. The latest download, Yua the Banshee by Starrats, is a little gift for you on our fourth birthday. Next stop: 5 years old. Only 365 nights to go...

Thanks to the entire team, current and past, everybody at Maxis, affiliates, and everybody else who has helped TSZ become what it is now, four years on!

443. "Played By" Campaign Update
Written on Sunday 13 November 2005 at 15:16 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The "Sims Played By" advertising campaign, the first Sims campaign by W+K (see earlier news), has been running for several weeks now, and new items keep appearing. Maxis has again released a few new campaign videos on the official site. Five videos (of which three are brand new) have been posted on the videos page, bringing the grand total of videos so far to 13. We've also received information that there are 20 videos in total (10 for the US and 10 for Europe). The videos are also projected on buildings in various American cities, multiple TV channels, and stories can also be found in magazines worldwide. Besides all that, a video in which players explain the basics of the game has been published. You can see the About The Sims 2 video as well. More stories can be found on the Sims Played By website.

444. The Sims Expansion Three-Pack Volumes Announced
Written on Sunday 13 November 2005 at 14:25 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Maxis has announced the Sims 1 Complete Collection on the official site of The Sims 2. However, that's not the only Sims 1 repackaging that's been released. EA has also made two expansion pack collections, each containing three expansions for the first Sims game ever. They're mentioned in the same announcement. The two "Sims Expansion Three-Pack Volumes" are now being sold at the price of $20 each. The first pack contains Unleashed, Superstar and House Party, the other has Hot Date, Vacation and Makin' Magic. Some (online) shops also list the packs as "Triple Expansion Collections". You can see the pack shots below, and order the collections from our shop now. If these expansion pack collections are being released in Europe as well is yet unknown.

The Sims 1 Expansion Three-Pack Volume 1 The Sims 1 Expansion Three-Pack Volume 2

445. Holiday Party Pack Screens and Movies
Written on Sunday 13 November 2005 at 13:54 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Maxis has released a few new screens and two movies for the Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack (Christmas Party Pack in Europe). In one video you see a Christmas setting, whereas the other is on New Year's Eve - naturally with fireworks. You can see them on the holiday videos page on the official site. As the download links on that page are incorrect, we've mirrorred the videos on our server so you can also download them. Use the links below to get them (QuickTime required). Bigger versions of three new screens posted on the official site have been put at GameSpot. They're now also below (click the thumbnails to see the big versions).
The Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack The Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack The Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack

446. Golden Joystick for the Sims 2
Written on Tuesday 8 November 2005 at 13:33 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Maxis has won one Golden Joystick award for the Sims 2 last weekend. Of the two nominations the Sims 2 has won the "Girl's Choice" award. The Sims 2 University missed out on becoming the best PC game of the year, in favour of Half-Life 2. More details about who won the other awards are to be found at GameSpot.

447. The Sims 2 (DS) Reviews
Written on Wednesday 2 November 2005 at 16:33 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Although there are quite a few reviews for the console version of the Sims 2 already, there aren't as many for the DS and GBA versions. The game on the latter platform hasn't been reviewed yet (at least we haven't found any reviews yet), but the Sims 2 on DS has been scored twice. IGN says the game is heavily divided into chapters, and especially the real-time clock in the game is discussed in their review. For example, it'll take eight real-time hours to finish building a room, but getting some sleep can be done in 30 seconds. It also seems the game has been inspired by Animal Crossing, an other open adventure game. Altogether it's a solid game, worth 8.2 points (out of 10). Check out the IGN review for details.

The other review is from PGNx. They call the real-time clock nice as well, but say it adds some unnecessary waiting time, as the story is quite structured. Besides that structure, it is also open enough to stay interesting. The 3D mode and the use of all DS technologies is another benefit to the score of 8.5 out of 10. To find out what else they had to say, check the PGNx review.

448. The Sims 2 (Consoles) Reviews
Written on Wednesday 2 November 2005 at 16:22 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
With the Sims 2 being out for about a week, many sites have already posted their opinion about the game. They're not all very positive about the game. GameSpot in particular isn't very enthousiastic about the game, as it lacks a real story, and the new features are not much more than a novelty. Others, like IGN or GamePro are far more positive about the new gameplay elements. Below are links to all the reviews for the console version of the Sims 2 we've found so far. You'll also be able to find screenshots with some of the reviews. If you found another one, feel free to submit the link to us.

449. The Sims 2 Prima Guide Details
Written on Wednesday 2 November 2005 at 15:53 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The strategy guide for the Sims 2 on consoles has been released along with the game itself. As usual, some of the key elements in the book have been published by Prima on their website. The book gives a complete walkthrough, information about direct control, and how to resurrect Sims. The complete list is as follows:
  • Maximize your creativity an customization
  • How to satisfy every gold and platinum want in all story lots
  • Details on socializing in Direct Control
  • How to use Direct Control mode and Direct Control objects
  • Unleash your Sims' culinary creativity by whipping up custom-made food power-ups
  • How to unlock every object, lot, fashion option, Sim, and recipe
  • Tips for returning from the dead and living as a ghost
  • Customize your Sims' fashion
More details, as well as a sample of the book (in PDF format), is available on the details page from Prima. If you want to order the book, check out our shop.

450. New "How do you play" videos
Written on Sunday 30 October 2005 at 21:12 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
After the launch of the "How Do You Play" advertising campaign for the Sims 2, new videos of people playing the Sims 2 have appeared. The official site had posted four videos already, now Maxis has added three new ones, and one which was posted on the campaign website earlier. Eight videos can now be downloaded from the videos page. Besides those, there are two other ones posted along with the eight, so ten in total, on the campaign's website, between the various stories.