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381. Open for Business Reviews
Written on Wednesday 8 March 2006 at 16:45 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Several reviews are appearing about Open for Business, and although some of the big gaming sites haven't covered it yet, other, smaller ones have. Two of them are the Australian PAL Gaming Network and PC GameWorld. The first one says the game is the deepest expansion for the Sims 2 yet, but it's designed to work with University and Nightlife - something other reviews have also mentioned. The gameplay is complex, but addictive, especially when you get the hang of running a business. Unfortunately the interface isn't as easy to learn as PAL hoped it would be. The final score for the expansion pack is a 7.0, as you can read in the entire review. A shorter review that doesn't mention much more than all the features is to be read at PC GameWorld, which rates the game at 88%. You can read the review if you want more details. If you want our opinion, read our growing review.

382. The Sims 2 Open For Business - Open All Hours or Closing Down? - Part 3
Written on Tuesday 7 March 2006 at 08:21 by Andy - 0 comments.

It's time to take a break from the hard grind of business life and we are having a packed lunch at Hastings Hall.

In this part of our continuing review for Open For Business, we will look at some of what there is of a non-business nature looking mainly at the architectural additions and give our first verdict on whether we feel that it would appeal to most players of the game.

This is what we think !


383. The Sims 2 Open For Business - Open All Hours or Closing Down? - Part 2
Written on Monday 6 March 2006 at 04:23 by Andy - 3 comments.

Is this the sort of image that Zoltan would like his fellow "legitimate businessmen" to see?

In the second part of our Open For Business review, Zoltan takes us to Bluewater Village and shows us his first business and what is needed to set one up. We also look in detail at tracking your business and how a sim with a notebook can make your life heaven or hell.

The journey continues here.


384. The Sims 2 Open For Business - Open All Hours or Closing Down? - Part 1
Written on Sunday 5 March 2006 at 01:00 by Andy - 1 comment.

OPEN FOR BUSINESS, the third expansion pack for The Sims 2 has arrived and it is now time to let you know what we think about it.

We begin a short series where we comprehensively review this addition to the game. We look at all aspects of how the game has changed, from neighborhood overview down to the pricing policies of your own hand-crafted items.

In this first part, we look at how it loads up, through the neighbourhood to where where you can find out how much your property is really worth.

This is what we have to say !


385. First Bugs and Issues in Open for Business
Written on Saturday 4 March 2006 at 23:23 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Every expansion pack for the Sims comes with its flaws, and Open for Business is no exception. Now it's been released, the first issues have already been found. One of them was already known since the last patch for Nightlife: Sims at University might be flagged for missing the final exam, if it overlaps with college. See our earlier post for more details about that. Another somewhat small issue, is that custom content is by default disabled. When starting the game for the first time you need to enable it explicitly, and restart the game after that, to make any downloads or hacks available in your game. It's also known that several hacks are still incompatible with the expansion pack, and thus may cause problems with Open for Business. If you're having such problems, disabling hacks might solve the problem.

But there is a bigger problem too, which can cause corruption of lots. Details are a little sketchy, as they are posted on forums anyway, but it seems that if you visit a community lot with a car from Nightlife, they might be unable to get back home properly. The game will let the Sim drive off in their car when directed to, but after that the game doesn't load the home lot. The clock will run fast (similar to what the game does when all playable Sims on the lot are at work or sleeping), and quitting the normal way isn't possible - you have to hit Control+Alt+Delete to terminate the game. The family will probably become unplayable, as the game still thinks the Sim(s) are visiting the community lot, but when trying to load that lot Live mode is not enabled. When visiting the lot with a taxi, this problem does not occur. Some users have also reported that first loading another community lot, that is unowned (i.e. not a business, but a 'classic' community lot) and going home after that helps. A similar problem also seems to exist, when saving the game while visiting a community lot. When reloading the family, Live mode is disabled, only Buy and Build mode are as if you're just editing the community lot. It's impossible to play the family again. Maxis is currently working on a patch to solve these problems, but it's unclear when it will be released. Until then, Maxis advises to visit owned community areas by taxi only. If the problem does occur, press Control, Alt and Delete at the same time, and kill the Sims 2 process. Do not bulldoze the offending community lot or the broken family lot, and avoid playing them until the patch is released. After the patch is released, install it and then you can revisit the family and community lot again. A few more details can be found in a post by MaxoidKane on the official BBS.

Finally, some people are reporting lots to become blank - with all walls, objects, etc. removed - under certain circumstances. It's not yet clear what causes this problem, though it might have to do with custom content.

Maxis is working on a patch to resolve these issues. A release date is not given, but naturally we'll let you know when we know more about this. Meanwhile, if you notice any problems in the game, filling in the feedback form is probably the best way to help Maxis with solving the problem.

386. OfB Reviews
Written on Saturday 4 March 2006 at 22:13 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
What was started by GameSpy last week, is now slowly advancing, as new reviews of Open for Business are starting to be placed online. We'll have our own review up soon, but until then there are - for now - two more reviews you can read. Websites 1Up and Yahoo! Games made up their opinion about the expansion pack. The main point 1Up makes is that it's not as easy and straightforward as the previous expansion packs, and although it does add some new objects fans will like, it lacks the "whimsical feel of playing a 'Sim God.'" Yahoo! has a little more to say, and notes that the business system is surprisingly open-ended. It's not as intuitive as may be expected, and if you run a business at home the customers won't notice much of a distinction - though it should be taken into account that doors are lockable now. Similar to GameSpy, Yahoo! also says the expansion works best in combination with Nightlife. Nevertheless it's a good game that'll add many hours of gaming time, although if you don't have any other expansions yet, University or Nightlife might be better to start with. The 1Up Review gives the expansion pack a score of 7.0 out of 10, whereas in the Yahoo! Review you'll see a score of 4 out of 5 stars.

387. City Scape Set
Written on Friday 3 March 2006 at 00:15 by Jendea - 0 comments.

I know that many simfans are playing Open for Business already. But for of us still waiting to pick up their copy, here is a "pre OFB" set. :)
The City Scape set includes 10 new objects, 2 recolors and 3 coordinated walls.
Happy simming!

You can find this set under my section:jendea or just click on the picture to go the set page directly.


388. Open for Business Shipped; Screenshots, Videos and More
Written on Wednesday 1 March 2006 at 15:40 by ChEeTaH - 4 comments.
Open for Business officially shipped yesterday. Some stores worldwide have already started selling the game, despite the official release date being 2 March. EA announced this in a press release. Senior Producer Don Laabs is quoted saying Open for Business ""opens a limitless world of new gameplay for Sims fans. The game includes all the tools players will need to create businesses that reflect their unique personalities, be they buttoned-down professionals, or wacky worker bees who explore the limits of the workplace. This is one of the most open-ended expansion packs we have created and we encourage fans to discover their irreverent, quirky business personalities." Precise details can be found in the full press release.

Besides the press release there's a lot more news from Maxis about Open for Business, more or less celebrating the release. Read on for details.
Read More!

389. Family Fun Stuff Pack Confirmed
Written on Saturday 25 February 2006 at 19:25 by ChEeTaH - 2 comments.
Some people are already getting their copies of Open for Business. Especially in Switzerland and Austria the pack has already been released. Where University and Nightlife came with an announcement of the next expansion pack, that's not the case with Open for Business. Rather than looking 6 months ahead, it's just 2 months this time, with the announcement of the Family Fun Stuff pack. The Fun Stuff pack, which will cost roughly $20, has been spotted several times before, earlier this month, together with a Glamour Stuff pack (which is not announced now). Rather than being a full expansion pack, a Stuff pack will only contain several objects, clothing, déco items and accessories for Sims. This pack will have, as the name says, a family theme. There will be Fantasy and Underwater sets for children's bedrooms, upscale Nautical furnishings for the family room and adventurous costumes for kids, matching outfits for group outings with the family. In total there will be 60 items, including castle beds, sun dresses and tropical wall hangings. Family Fun is said to be released in April, and although most shops have now removed their entries, rumours from dates posted there suggest it'll be late April. It's not yet sure when Maxis will officially announce the pack, if it'll be available through EA Downloader introduced last year, and when pre-orders will start to be taken - but as always we'll keep you updated with that information. The ad on the Open for Business can be seen by clicking the thumbnail below. Thanks to SimTimes (German) for posting the images.

Coming April 2006: The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff

390. OfB Information from Strategy Guide
Written on Saturday 25 February 2006 at 19:07 by ChEeTaH - 4 comments.
It's not uncommon that Prima's strategy guides for the Sims games are packed with little details for the games. The guide for Open for Business is no exception. A few people have already received the guide and are posting information out of it on the internet. Three of them are rosierealea (thanks to SnootySims for the link), Mmmyrs2 (thanks to Hiki for the link) and vibrateforyou. Altogether there's a lot of new information about the expansion pack in the guide, including cheats, new interactions, many details of robots and specifically Servo, and much more. Read on for the new details that have been posted. Beware for spoilers!
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