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1031. Body Shop Not Today [Update 2]
Written on Tuesday 11 May 2004 at 01:00 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
Although it's appeared on the official Sims 2 site for a very short while, the Body Shop will not be available today. It's coming very soon though, definitely later this week. In a video interview with IGN (which I'm currently downloading, more about that later), Lucy Bradshaw said the Body Shop will be released as "early as the E3". The E3 starts tomorrow, so we may expect it then, although the actual Expo starts on the 12th. Here's a quote from MaxisKitty posted in the BBS at the official site concerning the matter:
"I know you all are excited for Body Shop, we are as well, but I don't want you guys hitting reload all day, taking off from work/school/chores or anything like that to no avail.

"So just a heads up, Body Shop is coming very soon, BUT not today. So hold your finger of the reload button just a wee bit longer if you can."
Note that once it is out, you have to hope you're able to download it right away too. It's going to be a big download, and many people will want to get it at the same time. The server could easily be taken down by that load. Only time will tell though.

[Update 11 May, 2:30] Another page has appeared with some information about the Showcase. Basically it are some instructions on how to use the exchange. Check it out right here. To upload your material, you need to register at EA.com. Oddly enough it says the Showcase is not really an exchange, but that it's "for uploading only". It looks like it's not possible to share your Sims this way.

[Update 11 May, 16:20] Snooty Sims reports that the webmaster of the official Swedish Website has said the Body shop is set to be released today (Tuesday). That means it'll be here in a few hours already. We'll keep you updated about the matter and report any news as soon as possible!
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1032. The Add-on Handler 0.4.0b [Update]
Written on Sunday 9 May 2004 at 15:43 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
It's here, finally! The Add-on Handler version 0.4.0b is finished and it's now available to everybody. This new version adds a few big features, like the "Export List" option, which makes a list of all the downloads you have installed. Using the comment field when installing downloads you can now also easily track down where you got your downloads from. The program has also been translated into several languages (unfortunately not all texts can be translated, but most of them can), with thanks to the translator team. They made it possible that the Add-on Handler is now available in your language as well. See last week's announcement for some more details about what's new. The included readme file also has a more complete list of the exact changes since the last version. You can download the program from this page. If you have version 0.3.0b still installed, or if you have The Neighborhood Handler 4.11 installed, then you can also download the upgrade version, which is a bit smaller. They're both the same, with the only difference being the included DLL files. Enjoy it, and if you need help with it, e-mail me. I'm also still looking for translators of The Add-on Handler in various languages, so e-mail me if you want to help out with that too!

[Update 10 March 15:30] Unfortunately an old .exe file was packed in the original installations, containing one bug on the Serials page: Livin' Large and House Party would show up as not installed, while they were. The proper file has now been packed and uploaded. Download the upgrade version to fix this bug if it occurs in your installation. Note that the version number whatsoever has not changed because of this.

1033. The Sims Gigaluxe/Triple Deluxe
Written on Saturday 8 May 2004 at 16:29 by ChEeTaH - 4 comments.
There's some more information about The Sims Gigaluxe, which seems to be just the Spanish name. The official Swedish Site has posted a box shot of "The Sims Triple Deluxe". On it you can see some images which remind of the Sims Vacation, which makes it seem like Vacation will be included in the pack. It'll probably be in it along with The Sims, Livin' Large, Create A Sim, and possibly House Party (but that's still unclear). We'll keep you updated as usual.

The Sims Triple Deluxe Box

1034. SimDay [Update]
Written on Thursday 6 May 2004 at 21:03 by ChEeTaH - 2 comments.
This SimDay is, again, pretty small. Besides the MP3 we gave you earlier this week and has been posted on the official site now as well, there's also some information about next week's chat. With the Body Shop coming available later this month (the latest rumours say 10 May, which is next week), Body Shop Producer Darren Futa will be joining the fortnightly chat next week on 13 May. We recently received an interview with him from Maxis, and if you missed that you might want to read it again. The chat next week will be held at the usual time, 3pm PST, 11pm in the UK and Portugal, and midnight in most of Europe. There's nothing else this SimDay which means it doesn't really bring anything new, but that might be different next week. SimDays are getting less again, and if you're interested, you may want to read an old series of editorials by Andy, "Whatever happened to SimDay?" (part 1, part 2 and part 3).

[Update 19:20] It turns out the official site of the URBZ also got a little update. There are now two more descriptions of the "Crew" of the Handheld (GBA) version. You can read all about Darius and Crystal at UrbzSims.com (the Flash site), in the "Crew" section.

1035. BodyShop in Japanese
Written on Tuesday 4 May 2004 at 17:17 by ChEeTaH - 2 comments.
Ever wondered what the Sims 2 Body Shop in Japanese looks like? Well, the official Japanese site TheSims.jp has published 2 screenshots of the Body Shop. You can find the images there, but as most visitors of The Sims Zone probably don't understand Japanese I've put them here as well. Just click the thumbnails below for the big versions.

The Sims 2 Body Shop in Japanese (1) The Sims 2 Body Shop in Japanese (2)

1036. The Sims: How do you play yours? (Part 1)
Written on Thursday 29 April 2004 at 04:29 by Andy - 0 comments.
"The Sims" is a game that can be played in so many different ways. This is the first of a series of articles on some of the many styles I have found how people enjoy this game that we know and love.

Firstly, I take a look at the Traditional Style!

Might you find your style in there?

1037. 10 New Sims 2 Screens
Written on Wednesday 28 April 2004 at 00:19 by ChEeTaH - 4 comments.
EA has revealed 10 new screenshots of The Sims 2, along with a couple of old ones (which I won't put back here again). They contain some interesting stuff, like kissing Sims, jumping Sims, swimming Sims, Sims working out, Sims training for combat, Sims getting ready for dinner at the TV, and even a Sim being abducted by aliens. You may have seen a few earlier in either lower quality or in a movie, but they're posted new as (high quality) screenshot. You can view them all by clicking the thumbnails below.

Army Camp Spring Fling Star Gazing Sim being abducted Back From Space Wealthy Swimmers Yoga (1) Yoga (2) Pizza Party! The typical Maxoid?

1038. Scoop Newsletter
Written on Sunday 25 April 2004 at 01:21 by ChEeTaH - 3 comments.
There seem to be problems with sending the scoop newsletter, and many people haven't received it yet. However, I've been able to find the text (with thanks to Fabian at our affiliate SimsZone.de and SimsStop.co.uk) online along with two new graphics, besides the two we posted earlier today. You can see them completely by clicking the thumbnails below. The first one shows the stars of the E3, the second one is a collage of the new office of Maxis.

The scoop itself is about the Body Shop, which has gone into closed beta testing this month. It's been released to a selection of fans who were picked (quoting Maxis from another source here) "based on past content creation efforts for Sims 1.x." The tool will be available for free download next month, but Maxis isn't giving an exact date yet. The latest rumour is May 10 which we're sticking to in the countdown, but that's not final yet.

The other part is about the E3 next month. The E3 is the biggest annual game expo in the world, held in LA. As we knew, The Sims 2 will also be shown there, and we'll be able to see some "truly realistic Sims. Exact details are not given, but 12-14 May is definitely a time to look forward to if you like to see and read Sims 2 screenshots, videos, interviews, previews and more. Of course we'll post about all the Sims news this E3 again, so keep coming back here for details. The next scoop will also contain some more E3 material. Read more to read the text from the newsletter.

The start of the E3 Maxis' new Office
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1039. Knowledge Upgrades
Written on Saturday 24 April 2004 at 04:10 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Knowledge Section has received a little upgrade again. This section has proven to be very popular, and so it's hard to guarantee that there are no posts that will not offend you are are against the rules. Hence we've added a new feature: reporting questions and answers. Using that feature, everybody can report to the team of The Sims Zone. Our team will receive an e-mail when you submit a report, and so we can guarantee a higher quality of the knowledge base. Of course this also depends on you! If you find any question or answer inappropriate, for instance if it contains a serial number, a link to a site offering illegal downloads, foul language, or anything else that is against the rules or offensive, you should report it to us. Also if a question is, for example, posted in the wrong category, you can report it so admins of The Sims Zone can fix the problem. We hope you'll find this a useful addition to the biggest FAQ in the Sims community, which is all thanks to you! Besides that, we've also fixed a few design problems, so things should look a bit better now. If you have any tips for us on how to improve the knowledge section, either e-mail me or post an answer to this question. We will then see what we can do.


1040. The Sims 2 in September?
Written on Friday 23 April 2004 at 21:05 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
There have been a lot of rumours about the release date of The Sims 2 already. The latest one from PCZone said September, which is now more or less confirmed by EA. An exact date is not yet known and for now "second half 2004" may be more reliable than "September 2004". However, on the EA UK press site of The Sims 2 September 2004 is mentioned as street date. This date still is not definite and might still change. We'll keep you updated with more news when we get it, so keep visiting and check the latest news and the countdown (on the right) for the latest information about the Sims 2 release date.