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1001. Sims 2 Images
Written on Tuesday 1 June 2004 at 14:28 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
Snooty Sims has posted some new photo's of The Sims 2. They come from the EA Booth Tour video posted at GameSpot last week. The quality isn't great and they're a bit small, but a must-see for the fans. Check them out by clicking the thumbnails.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4

1002. E3 Sims 2 Photos
Written on Monday 31 May 2004 at 01:16 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Snooty Sims has posted a few pictures of The Sims 2 in action taken at the E3. They were taken from a TV/video screen, and the quality isn't great. That's no reason to keep them from you though - just click the thumbnails for slightly bigger versions.

Party Time Fortune Scary

1003. New Mail, New Screens
Written on Saturday 29 May 2004 at 14:57 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
We've received another e-mail from Lucy, as usual every week. It's all about aspirations again. Lucy tells us that her aspiration is for us to buy the game, and tell others about how great it is. Then those others should buy the game and tell their friends about it again, and so on until everybody's playing the game. This doesn't necessarily mean there will be a "World Domination" aspiration track in the game too though... Anyway, here are four screenshots included with the mail. They are of 4 of 5 known aspiration tracks (there should be 10 in total, according to the E3 news), the "Fortune" track isn't included. Enjoy them, and read the "Read more" bit for Lucy's complete email.

Romantic Sims Let's be famous! All-important Family Knowledge for Smart Sims
Read More!

1004. The Sims 2 Skin
Written on Friday 28 May 2004 at 18:33 by Sumit - 0 comments.
Well Body Shop has been out for a while, but now you can decorate your sims with great joy! You can now have this lovely "Got Yak?" shirt. Its green and has a Yak on the back. This is your "in your face" outlook upon this world. Tell those sims you love Yak products. Check it all out here!


1005. SimDay
Written on Thursday 27 May 2004 at 20:32 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
It's another SimDay today, and a rather busy one. First of all, there's the press release about The Sims Mega Deluxe which shipped tuesday. As announced, the Prom Fashion Show was held, and the results are in. 10 couples have been picked and are showcased on the Prom Fashion Show page.

When it comes to The Sims 2, there are 3 new screenshots (click thumbnails to enlarge). You can see the E3 trailer as well (again), on the videos page.
Fly baby, fly! Ramance all over Fight
The URBZ also has SimDay, and a new blog has been posted. Alex Hutchinson, Lead designer of the game, talks about the design decisions they make while creating the game. The blog and a new (gameplay) movie of the GBA version can be found at the URBZ website.

1006. New Poll / Nobody Hated E3 2004
Written on Thursday 27 May 2004 at 02:00 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Last week we asked you about the material that was published from the E3 2004, held 2 weeks ago. The results are in, and of the 108 people who voted, nobody at all answered "Nope, I totally hated it" to the question "Did you enjoy the E3 material?" Winning option was "It was cool, but I want more!" with 31 votes (29%), closely followed by "It's the best! I can't wait for the upcoming Sims games!" (29 votes, 27%). 19 people (18%) didn't know what the E3 is, while 17 people (16%) didn't follow it. 7 people (6%) prefer the regular batches of screenshots and info, and 5 (5%) said they liked it but could've done without. This week we're having another poll: what aspiration track of The Sims 2 do you like the most? Five have been revealed already, Maxis said there would be more but they haven't mentioned them yet. Nevertheless we want to know from you which you think will be the nicest. Vote on the right or the Latest poll page.

1007. TS2 Bodyshop - Our Review
Written on Wednesday 26 May 2004 at 00:22 by Andy - 0 comments.

The Bodyshop is out. Do you want to know what we think?

Check it out!

1008. The Sims Mega Deluxe Released [Update]
Written on Tuesday 25 May 2004 at 17:27 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
EA Announced today that they've shipped The Sims Megadeluxe. With The Sims, Livin' Large, House Party, Hot Date and the Sims Creator being packed together, this is the biggest collection of Sims-games ever released. Some special content is included too, which will be posted as download on the official site as well:
"Rounding off this must-have collection, players can furnish their homes with additional content ranging from decorative Japanese outdoor fountains to exotic African masks. This bonus material also will be available for download from http://www.thesims.com. Access to this content requires players to own The Sims Mega Deluxe Edition, The Sims Double Deluxe Edition, The Sims Deluxe Edition or The Sims plus any one of the following expansion packs, The Sims Vacation, The Sims Unleashed, or The Sims Superstar. Please visit the site for further information."
Makin' Magic can probably be added to the expansion pack list. If this content is the same as for The Sims Double Deluxe isn't entirely clear. Mega Deluxe has never been officially announced, and only consisted of rumours. Another pack, The Sims Triple Deluxe, which would contain The Sims, Livin' Large, House Party, Vacation and the Creator. Read our earlier news about it for more information. Currently a release date of that pack is unknown, but it's rumoured to be released in June (in Europe). A European release date for Mega Deluxe is unknown, and so is an American release date for the Triple Deluxe pack.

[Update 26 May, 20:20] The extra content from Mega Deluxe was already included in Double Deluxe, and is already available on the official site. There's still no word about a European release date for Mega Deluxe, or a US release date of Triple Deluxe.

1009. TS2 EU Release Date Changed
Written on Tuesday 25 May 2004 at 12:58 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Although it was already officially confirmed, the release date for The Sims 2 in Europe has changed. Instead of a delay, it's coming sooner. The Official UK site has posted 17 September as release date for the UK, while EA Netherlands has posted thursday 16 September (the usual release day in the Netherlands is a thursday) as release date. This probably means the game will be released almost simultaneously worldwide. If the game will be released on a tuesday (14 September) in the US, as usual, is not yet confirmed. We'll of course keep you updated.

1010. New Sims 2 Shot
Written on Monday 24 May 2004 at 23:30 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
Besides the big sites, some smaller ones have also visited the E3. That includes Real Life - The Online Comic. In an article which describes the experience of The Online Comic at the E3. Besides a small bit about The Sims 2 (and some other games and hardware), there's also the screenshot below. You can see some new items in the interface here as well, for instance the friends list. You can also see that the looks of the screen when the game's paused is similar to that of SimCity 4, with a red border around the rest. The picture isn't too big, but here it is anyway:

The Sims 2 @ E3