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Bustin' Out Preview @ IGN
I must admit this news is probably a bit late, as I should've been writing this a week ago. Anyway, IGN has posted a preview of Bustin' Out, but there aren't many new facts in it. Still it's nice to read it, especially the part where IGN says they will give us a hands-on preview from the E3. That means we should be knowing more of this title tomorrow, as the E3 will end then. Hopefully we'll be getting some screenshots of both Bustin' Out and maybe The Sims 2 then too. So far the amount of information from the E3 is probably smaller than expected, but it's possible that these Sims titles, and The Sims on GBA, haven't been shown in the exposition yet. If not, then we should see more tomorrow. Back to the Bustin' Out preview:
"Along with the slew of new locations, Maxis is packing the game full of more, more, and more of our favorite Sims objects. Now we can track down and earn groovy collectibles such as the Laser Light Show, DJ Booth, Climbing Wall (for those athletically inclined Sims), and High Dive. Maxis never disappoints with the many wacky and creative additions to its Sims universe, and Bustin' Out looks no different. Players can now customize their characters with things such do-rags and piercings, in addition to teaching them new moves like the crowd-favorite French Kiss, hilarious Towel Snap, and funky fresh Moon Walk. Afraid of what your parents will say to a full body tattoo? Save your money and get one in the Sims instead."
It occurs more often that sites post one review of the same game on different platforms in different flavours. The same has happened here, and IGN has posted the review 3 times. Twice with the first screenshot (GameCube and PlayStation 2 editions), and once without it (X-Box). Have fun reading!

Written at 01:04 on Friday, 16 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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