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Bustin' Out E3 Preshow Report @ Gamespot
GameSpot will be reporting from the E3 like many other gaming sites and magazines the next few days. However, GameSpot is posting preshow reports of several games. One of them, is the upcoming Bustin' Out expansion pack for the consoles (expected early 2004). Here's a bit:
"The Sims took place entirely at home, but Bustin' Out, as the title sort of implies, lets you get out of the house. Seamlessly, even: You'll be able to ride by scooter or car to new locations such as the Club Rubb dance venue (wooo, woooo!), the art gallery, and the Shiny Things Lab. The game will also feature numerous unlockable home objects, appearance-enhancing objects, unlockable missions, and more. Also, enhanced visuals should make this next version of The Sims look better than before."
The article has been released in 3 flavours, one for each console. The PlayStation2 one has the first screenshot with it. Both the GameCube and X-Box editions only have a different colour layout, but both don't have the screenshot. The text, the most important thing, is all the same though. It's up to you what link you click.

Written at 02:48 on Tuesday, 13 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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