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Another interview with Jonathan Knight
There have been several interviews with Jonathan Knight, producer of Superstar, already. The game will be released in the US tomorrow, and today, "May XX", GameSpy has posted another interview with Knight. Here's a small bit from it:
"GameSpy: Fame - how is that implemented in the game? Does that have any impact on which objects you can use or get for your home?

"Jonathan Knight: Fame score is a brand new skill, and it works much a like a job level. Sims who sign up with an agent and start down the celebrity path will have five empty stars in their UI panel, which they need to fill in, one half-star at a time. Each new level comes with new requirements, new benefits, and new opportunities. Fame is a lot like a new career path, except you follow your Sim to their job and control their activities. If you're in an existing career, you'll have to drop out of it to pursue your dream of being a star."
Besides that piece of info, there is a lot more to read about gameplay issues. For instance, Jonathan tells that Studio Town works pretty much like Downtown; you go there whenever you like, and you can earn money there. There's no Energy to get there though, so you can't stay there too long. Time at home will be frozen while your Sim is in Studio Town. If you don't go to Studio Town often enough, your agent will drop you and you'll have to look for a new one to get hired again. Besides all that, the obsessed fan, new NPCs (Non-Playable Characters, like the new Butler), new objects and new music are being discussed. You can read the whole thing right here. It certainly is an interesting, and worth those couple of minutes it takes to read it.

Written at 01:20 on Tuesday, 13 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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