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EA reveals E3 Lineup
Electronic Arts has announced their lineup for the E3 next week. We'll be following the Sims games and tell you whatever other gaming sites visiting the E3 have to offer. There are 3 Maxis games in the list: The Sims 2 (Release: early 2004), The Sims Bustin' Out (Release: early 2004) and SimCity 4: Rush Hour (SimCity 4 expansion pack, release fall 2003). We'll be focussing on the first two games. The Sims 2 will be shown Tuesday 13 May, but it's unknown when we'll hear more of the Bustin' Out expansion pack for the console version. With the exposition being later than 13 May, there might be more The Sims 2 news after 13 May from the E3. We're looking forward to it, but are you too? You can see EA's complete E3 line up right here. EA has also launched an E3 site at www.ea.com/e3. If you want to see a complete linup of all publishers (which hasn't been updated for the past few days, so it's not up-to-date at this point), follow this link to GameSpot.

Written at 00:12 on Friday, 9 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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