101,475,505 visitors since 2 February 2002 

New donation files
To finish off the regulars for now (after the poll results and SimDay), I'll tell you a bit about this month's donation files. The amount of traffic for this site increased with another 10Gb (total per month) in April. If it stays that way, that means we again have some increased costs, unfortunately. We can only afford those costs if you help us by donating. The more people who donate, the more likely we'll survive. We hope this month's file will make you decide to donate, as they are really nice: besides offering the files of the past 2 months (the February files are now put together with the free downloads) if you donate $5 or $10 or more, you can also download a nice garden set by Jen, a NeoClassic Dining and Chair, and a Modlamp by Sumit. Please donate to help us out. If we have money left we'll send off the remainder to the Restricted Growth Association (RGA), so it will never be wasted money, and we will definately not put it in our own pockets. Here's a preview of what you'll get when donating (it's the garden set):

Written at 02:59 on Thursday, 1 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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