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Another TSPS2 Review
Yes, there's another one. The fifth so far, another review of The Sims for PlayStation2. GameZone has reviewed the game, giving it an 8 out of 10. The start off with describing the first bits of the story-line:
"Paul has a problem. He lives with his mother, has little money and no skills. He is neat; his mother is a slob. She leaves garbage on the floor. The television is smoking and she incessantly demands that he learn to fix it. Of course, just walking up to the television and tinkering with it is conducive to session of electric shock therapy. Paul will need to skill up, earn points by studying cooking and mechanics."
They also describe the differences between the PC version and the PS2 version of the game. They don't dig into the game too deep though, but that doesn't mean it isn't a nice read. It's over here. For a list of the other 4 reviews, visit our review index.

Written at 23:18 on Sunday, 26 January 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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