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SimDay: One more TSO review
This week's SimDay, the first after Maxis' holidays, brings only one new item, a review at TechTV.com. All the other items have been posted about before. That's why we're going to skip the news about the new official UK site, the massive amount of New Year's Eve parties, and the announcement of new TSO features that we'll see soon. Now the review:
"Also, if you do not already have one, you must register an account with EA.com. (AOL subscribers will have the option to use their current account information.) The only hurdle left to clear is choosing a payment option. You can charge the $9.95 monthly fee or buy pre-paid subscription cards. If you were to purchase the game now and have a fast Internet connection, you could make it through all of these steps in around 15 minutes and be ready to start the game."
TechTV rates it 4 of 5 stars, which is pretty good. There's a nice headline at the page too: "Watch tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday 1/11 at 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern." Check out TechTV at those times for, I guess, more about The Sims Online. Click here for the full review, or here for our review index.

Written at 19:33 on Thursday, 9 January 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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