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The Sims for Linux + T-Shirt offer
For those who have Linux, TransGaming has an interesting offer. Although this news is quite late (it's a special holidays offer), it still seems to be there. You can buy The Sims - separately from the Mandrake Linux Gaming Edition for the first time. With that, you'll also get a nice TransGaming T-shirt. Note that this only is for the original version of the game, and you need Linux for it to run (it will NOT run on Windows or Macintosh!). Go to this page to order the pack, it costs $34.99. From this page you can also order the Mandrake Linux Gaming Edition which includes The Sims too, as well as other things. Note that the Linux pack is not for those who are relatively new to computers. It's also just a limited time offer, so you have to decide quickly.

Written at 22:46 on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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