IGN has been play-testing The Sims Online, and they have posted a preview of the game:
"Whatever the final result, the game has a wonderful concept, and when you read some of the ideas that Will Wright puts behind his game, it sounds all very interesting in an academic kind of way. Reams of data about friendship networks, geographic proximity, favorite activities, etc., are being collected here, and I'm sure it's all very interesting and exciting for him. And I wish him the best in his game-making, he is one of a handful of designers in this industry with both the clout and the vision to force through some genuinely new and interesting."IGN will probably post a full review after their break, so some time after January 6th. This preview is also not in our review index, we're going to wait for the final review instead. You can read this first impressions article at this page.
Written at 23:20 on Sunday, 22 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.