100,033,085 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Donation Files policy change & special offer
We have slightly changed our donations policy. The special files will be donations-only for 3 months. That means the current downloads for December won't be available for free until March. However, when you donate you will usually get only the username and password of the files of that month. As that might mean you cannot get older files unless you wait a few months, we've come up with a solution: if you pay $5 (or the equivalent of that) or more, you get two usernames and passwords (the current month, and the month before that). For $10 we give you all the files of the current and the past 2 months. As we've only just started with donations, this method isn't active yet until next month... if we didn't have the special offer!

Our offer is valid during December and January. If you donate this or next month, then you will get the files for these 2 months for any amount of money. You don't have to pay $5 or more for these files. That means you get twice the amount of files for just one price! If you donate now, we will send you the username and password for the files of January once they've been added. Please donate, we need the money! Without your donations, we will not be able to continue with this site. We need at least 300 ($450) in 4 months time, so please help us! We really appreciate it, even if you donate just $1. You can donate at this page. Thank you.

Written at 22:53 on Sunday, 22 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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