99,561,996 visitors since 2 February 2002 

First TSO Review
The first review of The Sims Online has been spotted at GameSpot. It gets a total of 7.4 (out of 10). There are also 30 new screenshots with the review. Here's a snippet:
"As Lord British, we proceeded to trespass on other people's property, treat them as though they were our subjects, and demand food and entertainment. We didn't make many friends this way, but we got poked in the eyes several times and eventually were booted from the premises. We were pleased to see that getting booted from someone's home involves the physical act of getting kicked in the butt and were comforted to know that Sims Online players could easily protect their homes from unsavory characters such as ourselves by means of this particular feature."
So if you ever met Lord British, then you know who it was now. The full review is at this page. We now also have a TSO review index, which you can find over here. Europeans can get The Sims Online at 14 February.

Written at 00:27 on Sunday, 22 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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