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SimDay: TSO Chat tomorrow
Tomorrow a chat with the TSO team will be hosted at the the official site. It will be held at 6pm PST, which is is 2am in Great Britain or 3am in the morning in Europe. It says the "TSO team" but it's probably just a part of it, as the whole team is bigger than 100 people. A transcript will be available sooner or later for those who miss it, for instance because it's too early in the morning. Besides that, there are a few new skins available from SSX Snowboarding. To download them, click this link. Make sure you are logged in at the official site. The file is 220kb big. That's all again for this week, another SimDay next week.

Written at 22:03 on Thursday, 5 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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