99,576,204 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Poll #50 is up!
Yes it's here. We've reached our 50th poll at this site. We've done them weekly, with exceptions when we had just launched and weren't so popular yet, and one other time in May during the server move. Poll 50 is about The Sims Online: if you're going to get it, how will you pay to get play time? Will you pay with your credit card ($10 monthly), or by using the game time cards ($30 for 90 days, available in stores)? Vote on the right, or on this page. As for poll 49: it's obvious most people run The Sims in a 1024x768 resolution: 69 of 112 people (61.60%!) said they use that screen resolution, of which 29 (25.89% of the total) wished it could be even higher. 'Just' 33 people (29.46%) use the 800x600 resolution, and 4 people (3.57%) didn't know what it was about. In total, 6 people (5.36%) said they don't play the game anymore. For a nice overview of the results, and the results of all 49 previous polls, visit the archive.

Written at 01:32 on Thursday, 5 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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