99,575,232 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Server Trouble Update
There's some news about the server trouble we're having with our .com server again. As you might have noticed, images are loading again which means the server is back up. However, due to the severe speed problems downloading files will remain disabled until at least tomorrow afternoon/evening. It could even be thursday afternoon before downloading will be re-enabled. The whole problem is that the server was put on a T1 connection (which is 1.544 mbit/sec or about 200kbyte/sec in total, for all connections). In other words, all users of this website and other websites on the same server had to share 200kb/sec, which often resulted in downloading speeds of about 0.2kb/sec per user. In that way, even downloading a small file of 100kb would take 5 minutes to download (where it should be under a minute even on a 56k modem connection!). Due to these unacceptable speeds, downloading will not be enabled again for now as we rather want to keep downloading on hold and make the site load slightly faster than make the whole site slow.

Our thesimszone.com server will be moved again probably tomorrow or thursday afternoon, but then to a 100MBit connection (12.5 MByte/sec in total, about 66 times as much as the current 'speed'). This should solve all the recent problems with speeds and downtime, and everything will be working again properly at normal speeds. Once the server has been moved, downloading will be enabled again, and our (still secret) new (and necessary) feature will be set up as well. We apologise for all this trouble, but hope you also understand that it is out of our control. Just remember we'll be back in two days time!

Written at 23:48 on Tuesday, 3 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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