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GameSpy Unleashed review
This time, GameSpy has reviewed Unleashed. Here's just a small snippet:
"Electronic Arts has been quick to milk the success of the franchise with a seemingly endless parade of expansion packs. Even at $30 a pop, they, too, top the charts. The Sims Unleashed is the latest addition to the Sims family. Despite a couple of snags, it's a worthwhile add-on to anyone who can't get enough of the continually surprising world of those tiny digital people."
The total score is 85. The main pros are the expanded neighborhood, the new pets, but the large number of (small) bugs and the long loading times make the opinion worse than it could've been. Also the clockwork is a con; it takes too long to do some actions and it can be very frustrating according to the reviewer. The bug of water flowing under objects is not mentioned though. The bad pathing problems (e.g. Sims "spinning in place" to sit down - or did they learn that from the dogs?) are mentioned though.

The whole review can be read here. For more reviews, visit our review index where you can now also find a link to this review.

Written at 00:16 on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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