101,473,746 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Sorry to lose you, Carrie
It is with regret that we say farewell to Carrie who has worked as one of our object designers for the past year. In that time, she has produced a lot of objects and also worked outside her remit producing skins, walls and buildings.

However, Carrie is not deserting the Sims Community as she is moving on to better things and the works of the "Holsimer Corporation" can now be found at Sims Match where she is the Co-Webmaster. She has also become Co-webmaster for RCT Match and we wish her well.

Sumit has now taken her place as Object Designer, which means we now have a Vacancy for a Walls/Floor Designer.

Written at 00:57 on Monday, 28 October 2002 by Andy.

1 Comment
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Written at 12:24 on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 by Cool_J
sorry to see you go! :(
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