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SimDay Report: New column and chat
SimDay again this week, and it seems like Maxis is catching up a bit on the past few months - before the release of Unleashed. Once again there's a new object, the 3rd week in a row. This time there's a french column that works even without expansion packs. For just 100kb, click here to download it. Besides that, there are two sites with screenshots of The Sims on PlayStation 2 (to be released in January). GameZone added these screenshots. GameSpy has also added a (rather small) preview with some screenshots and a box-shot (below). Finally some SimCity 4 news: there are 5 new screenshots at the official site (right here). Also, there will be a SimCity 4 Developer chat next week thursday (24 October) at 3pm PST Time (Midnight in the UK, or 1am CET). The main guest will be Frank Simon, who is producer of SimCity 4. Make sure you have your questions ready, and ask them there then. That's all for this SimDay, more again next week.

Written at 23:54 on Thursday, 17 October 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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