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The Neighborhood Handler & Unleashed
If you visit us regularly, you might know that I've been down with RSI (a mouse-arm) for a few weeks. I'm glad to say that things are getting better again, and I can do some work again. However, there was still quite some work to be done on TNHH and other things. That means there's some work piled up, so I'll be staying a bit in the background for another while to catch up. Matthew will be keeping you updated with the latest news most of the time. Now about my planning for The Neighborhood Handler. As said, I was working on a version that would be compatible with the new Unleashed expansion pack. As it got delayed, I thought I'd still want to release it as soon as possible - or at least something. There is still some work to be done on the program itself, but that should be finished within 2 weeks or so as I resumed the programming work today. I'll then post a simple version of the program, without a big readme, manual whatsoever. In other words, just the program and nothing else. Another few weeks later, a full version with manual, installation and maybe some bugfixes etc. will be uploaded. As usual, the program will be released to the Yahoo! Group first.

Written at 20:36 on Thursday, 10 October 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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