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PC Format Sims Special!
If you live in the UK then there is a real treat available for you this month. Now in the shops is the popular computing magazine PC Format and this month they have gone Sims mad!

Included in the magazine is a seven (yes, seven) page article on The Sims Online. This includes an interview with Will Wright, creator of The Sims, Sim City and The Sims Online. This seven page article gives you a new insight into the game, with pictures taken from the game to give you an impression of what it will be like.

The Sims Online has already gone out for testing, I myself was sent an e-mail offering a chance for me to become a test player, however living out of the United States meant I was not able to take part :-(

If this article does not take your fancy, then maybe the one thousand files will! These walls, floors, objects, roofs and sets have been taken, with permission, from The Sims Resource. 100 of these files are from the subscribers only area of the site, so it must be worth it!

And if after all that you are still not interested then there are 6 programs also for The Sims on the disk..

The programs on the disk can be downloaded from the web, however if you are stuck on a 56k dialup like I am then it's nice to be able to try FaceLift Gold (@ 8Mb) without having to download it! The programs included on the disk are:
  • The Sims Art Studio
  • The Sims FaceLift Gold
  • The Sims Homecrafter
  • The Sims Explorer
  • SimShow
  • SimsZip
The full content of the "Decor To Remember" website can also be found on the disk.

In total all these programs, objects, walls, floors, roofs, sets and others come to a whopping 194Mb (approx)! Now if you don't go out and buy the magazine because of this I don't know what will make you buy it! PC Format can be found in the shops very soon. As a subscriber I get it a few days earlier than everyone else. So if you want it, keep your eyes open for PC Format.

Written at 19:02 on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 by Steve.

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Written at 20:16 on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 by Jendea (TSZ) (Jendea)
Good news for fans outside the UK. I just checked the subscription page and they will ship to Europe and the States, for an additional amount, if you subscribe. It sounds like they do have some distribution outside the UK too.
Thanks Steve - this looks really cool.

Written at 20:23 on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 by Matthew (Matthew)
Y'know, I'm not sure if subscribing to magazine for ages just because one issue had some stuff about The Sims Online in it is a good idea.. Maybe if it was 'The Sims Magazine' I'd agree. :)

Written at 20:33 on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 by Jendea (TSZ) (Jendea)
Edited at 20:45 on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 by Jendea (TSZ) (Jendea)
Yeah, I was just checking on availability outside the UK, not suggesting subscribing just to get the Sims issue. That's a little much esp. when converted to USD - lol - about $100 for a magazine.
I am going to keep my eye out over here for the one issue too since it sounds like they do have distributors outside the UK. Personally, I'd rather do that anyway to check out the mag first.

Written at 22:17 on Wednesday, 9 October 2002 by Steve (Steve)
Edited at 22:42 on Friday, 11 October 2002 by Steve (Steve)
It is a very good magazine to subscribe to, I'm not normally one who buys magazines, but PCF is a very high quality magazine, with many good artices. The TSO article was an incredibly high quality article and contained a large amount of information.
Yes they do ship outside the UK, but I am not sure where else it is sold. People subscribe to it from all over the world!
The website for the PCF site is www.pcformat.co.uk.
Submit downloads for TSZ to me!

Written at 22:48 on Wednesday, 9 October 2002 by Andy (TSZ) (Andy)
On Steve's recommendation, I've bought it and it is well worth it. Over 1.6Gb of Sims stuff on the CDs, plus a full version of Floorplan 3D, add-ons of PSP7 and a demo of PSP7 itself.
For £5.99, it's well worth it ... and no, I am not being paid by PC Format to say this. Honest.
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