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The Sims (PS2) Preview
In addition to the many reviews of the two new PC Sims products, there are still a few previews of the forthcoming PS2 version appearing. Guess that's what happens when it gets delayed until January 2003. huh? Still, you can calm your craving for the console version with a new preview over at GameSpot. Here's a little taste of it, talking about adapting the control system to the PS2 pad:
'You'll be able to do everything you could do with the mouse and keyboard in the PC version of The Sims using the PlayStation 2's controller. The two analog sticks let you rotate the camera and move the cursor, while the circle button collapses any walls or solid objects that you have highlighted to allow you to see as much of your surroundings as possible. The square button centers the camera on your selected sim, and the X button makes that sim interact with his or her surroundings. You can fast-forward time in The Sims for the PS2 using the R1 shoulder button, while R2 switches your control to nearby sims. Likewise, your motives, friendships, personality, and job requirements can all be accessed with the D pad, and by pressing pause, you can get to your buy, build, budget, and options menus. Longtime players of The Sims won't have any problems adjusting to this new control scheme, and those who've never played a single game in the series will find it quite intuitive.'
The full article can be read by clicking here.

Written at 13:58 on Tuesday, 1 October 2002 by Matthew.

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