Indeed, I've returned from my holiday and as you might've noticed, already a few things were fixed and changed today. In other words: I'm back in business like I was two weeks ago. You'll see regular items from me again like before. As you've seen, Sim Brother 2: The Contenders will start soon too, but that's not the only thing coming up here. What those things are? You'll have to see for yourself. Not now, but later. That means you'll have to keep coming back here for the latest news on The Sims, its expansions, The Sims Online and The Sims on PS2, and of course Sim Brother 2, new addons for your sims in the form of downloads, other special articles and more. All the regular stuff, and more in the future. Just keep visiting, and you'll see it all.
Written at 00:08 on Sunday, 11 August 2002 by ChEeTaH.