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Sim Day - We want more, Maxis
As you will have noticed from Matthew's well written news articles, there have been three items from the official site this SimDay. Thankyou, Matthew.

However, as much a critic as I am a fan, this is not enough, Maxis.

Firstly, the Unleashed section does not add anything we do not already know. There are no new screenshots, there is no information here that we have not found elsewhere.

Secondly, there has not been any real news about the De Luxe Version of "The Sims" that is coming out about the same time. If you want us to buy it, Maxis, you need to tell us what makes it better and worthwhile.

Thirdly and finally, we haven't had a download for quite some time. There have only been a few since "Vacation" and the last one was months ago. We deserve something new to keep us keen.

I don't complain often, Maxis, but we want more.
Written at 02:00 on Friday, 2 August 2002 by Andy.

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Written at 02:40 on Friday, 2 August 2002 by William (William)
I agree with you Andy.

Written at 12:02 on Friday, 2 August 2002 by Tiger
I aggree as well. They are being lazy now. Unleashed cant be taking that much time off them!

Written at 17:39 on Friday, 2 August 2002 by Cool_J
You go Andy! We do want a lot more information! We need more downloads to keep us going longer. Not many people will buy it if they don't go in more detail.
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