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New TSO Trailer
There's another new video of The Sims Online. This new trailer shows - of course - The Sims Online, and it can be downloaded from the official site. It requires FilePlanet seems to have sound effects. It'll take a while to download though, as the file is 23.5 Mb big. If you have registered there, then you can get the trailer here. As you probably know, The Sims Online might not be released in parts of Europe. However, the US release has been set back a bit to 19 November this year. SimCity 4 will be out a bit earlier too: 15 November in Europe, a week earlier in the US (probably). Although these games are coming earlier than said before, we Europeans are still waiting for SimGolf to be released...

Written at 02:03 on Saturday, 22 June 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 19:50 on Saturday, 22 June 2002 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
.mov is QuickTime. Maybe you need a newer version (I believe version 6 is the latest). It has nothing to do with where you live.


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