The New York Times had featured The Sims and SimGolf recently. This newspaper describes what the games are like and what's so fun to play - including playing it the bad way:
"While you may choose to make the goal of the game acquiring money or making friends, all that is really expected is that you keep your characters alive, and even that is optional. In fact, the game is a lot of fun to play badly. I remember when I moved five people into a one-bedroom house. Without enough beds, characters slept standing up or simply collapsed. The ever-occupied bathroom meant that no one could ever bathe, and garbage piled up everywhere. Finally everyone was too depressed to go to work, the money ran out and they all starved to death."There's nothing really new there for the fans of The Sims, but it's still a nice read. Currently SimGolf is set to be released late June or early July still in this year in Europe. But as we know it's been delayed quite a couple of times, and you never know what will happen when it comes near to the actual date. The official SimGolf website has posted the article, which you can find exactly here.
Written at 21:51 on Wednesday, 19 June 2002 by ChEeTaH.