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Another poll...
It's thursday again, which means a new poll at The Sims Zone. This week it's a bit new: you can select more than one item, and so vote several items at once. This week we want to know what upcoming Sim-Games (except Sims Deluxe, as that's probably nothing really new) you will buy. You can choose between The Sims Unleashed (new expansion pack), The Sims 2 (sequel), The Sims Online, The Sims Hands On (PS2), SimCity 4 and SimUniverse - the game that's only in Will Wright's head and maybe on a few Maxis computers yet. Vote on the right or on this page. To see the last poll results, which was about why SimGolf was delayed in Europe, can be found here.

Written at 02:10 on Thursday, 6 June 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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