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Sim Brother V - The Last Footage
Written at 04:22 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by Andy.

These comments express the view and/or opinion of our visitors and not The Sims Zone. It's not necessarily The Sims Zone's or any of its staff members' opinion. The Sims Zone cannot be held responsible for what's said in these comments. Abusers of this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Written at 04:56 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by MissWendy (TSZ) (MissWendy)
As a staff member here on TSZ, I understand what Andy is talking about. It does make a difference to us creators...a simple "thank you" or "This is great" makes all the hard work and time we put into our creations worthwhile. We put in many hours each week to create and although we do it because we love it, it is nice to hear from YOU that you appreciate it too. To Andy, Thank you. You have done a great job. I will miss SimBrother. MissWendy

Written at 15:48 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by Kyna
I've been following SimBrother here since around series 2. I've been inspired by your efforts to attempt to play a sim brother style neighbourhood in my game (back when it was still TS1) - unsuccessfully I might add, as I lack your creative spark.

I have the SB page bookmarked, and every few months I drop by to see if there's been a new series. Fortunately for me, this series I was just in time to vote for the winner several times.

I'm sorry to hear that this is the last SB on TSZ. I have gained a lot of enjoyment over the years from reading it. I am also sorry I haven't shown my appreciation before - I'm not much of a fangirl type, and tend not to make gushy thankyou posts.

I registered at TSZ simply to be able to post this.

Written at 19:05 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by Andrew Hart (ahpro)
I have never thought of creating an account and commenting cause i didn't think you read comments but you obviously do.

I agree that you don't get as much appreciation as you should.

5 years ago (the second series was on at this time) i was looking for stuff about big brother online and i was obsessed with it and then i came here following a link by google and read a few episodes of your second series. I then went out and bought The sims. I followed this by buying expansion packs on the day they came out and downloading your sim brother houses and have now got the sims 2 plus all expansion packs and i constantly make my own sim brothers using the sims 2 (private ones though, don't post them online cause i know that i would give up on a series if i done that).

Yes, you were right that most people give up on day 3 or something of their series' and then more people give up half way through and i'd say 10% of them get all the way through such as huckool.com , simmedia.co.uk etc.

So anyway, i read the 3 series' done with the sims 1 (i read series 1 after series 2 was done) and i have dipped in and out of the series' done with the sims 2.

Although people do not comment here, i have seen topics on different sims 2 forums i go on posted by other people about your show and they all have quite a few replies to them about it.

So - for getting me into buying the sims series and making sim brothers of my own and for the ones you made which i read - thankyou Andy.

Written at 21:52 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by Jason (SimBrother)
You have been a great inspiration to many players, Andy, and I don't think you realise the true extent of your influence. Many Sim Brother series probably would never have even started if it wasn't for yours, and that is totally to your credit.

Thanks for writing such great series, Andy.


PS- I hope you get my Email.

Written at 22:06 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by andrew johnson (rsdworker)
i loved the sims brother series - but you are great - i think you could done more if a separate site for sims brother series - that's means more people would love it - because they do not comment on here - but i seen some place had topics - that why
from rsdworker

Written at 23:52 on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 by Daryl (thesims2website)
I am too a webmaster (TS2W) and know strongly how you feel. Having a single comment of 'well done' or 'this is great' encourages you to go on and make the best out of what you got. I personally was following the series as The Sims Zone is the ONLY fansite that manages to pull it off! So from me well done, you do a fantastic job and you should be so proud of yourself for doing it for so long - I know I couldn't. And for fans who visit our websites and view our content, please just say a couple of words - what you say makes the difference between a successful and updated Sims 2 fansite, compared to a lack of content and updates from another.

The Sims 3 Website - www.thesims3website.co.uk

Written at 00:23 on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 by simshyper
Why I thought abot it a few weeks ago I know its to late but thanks for all simbrother seiries im gonna go off now to mak my own house and housmates for my game just thank you even if i did nearly have a heart attack reading this report.

Written at 18:55 on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 by Andrew Hart (ahpro)
I did run a fansite not long after purchasing the game and i made 4 or 5 episodes of a drama show and i made half of the next episode but didn't complete it cause i thought nobody was reading it until 2 weeks after the last episodes release (it was updated once a week) i got an email asking where the next episode was so i finished it and put it up and then stayed on schedule from then on and completed a series of 9 episodes.

So yeah, i was only 12 or 13 at the time and it was crap but everyone needs comments, i agree.

Written at 20:53 on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 by gerardo (stupid_einstein)
Edited at 20:55 on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 by gerardo (stupid_einstein)
you can quit!!!!!!Sim brother is sooooo cool!I read all other four series in like 2 days cuz i wuz so attracted to them!!and I especially Liked this series!It was fun and I liked the people that were in it(except Jack) !The challenges were good,and the ecviction nights were suspenseful!!!Please just make another series!PLease....and m aybe not a lot of people comment becuz they are so busy loving the story!Oh and 1 question is that me that you mentioned in your story??Becuz my name is Gerardo and I posted a comment about how good the show wuz and I also asked about when the eviction night came,so I think its me (woohoo)anyways I really liked the show,and maybe you shud make another series,you kno 3 series with the original sims and 3 series with the sims 2!!Im so smart.......but if you dont I respect your decision,cuz sumtimes when Im on my computer for so long my eyes start to hurt!LOL........peace

Written at 21:33 on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 by Nathan (ndp412)
I feel really sorry that I didn't comment earlier, on what was an excellent series.

The series was excellent, with very good casting. The only bad point to the series, was that it almost completely turned into The Apprentice!

Although Johnny won, and I was rooting for Hilary, I though the series ended on a very high note.

I'm sad that this will be the last series, and hopefully, you will make a sixth series eventually, but I can understand why you lost confidence due to the lack of viewer support.

Finally, thankyou for mentioning me on your final post, it felt really good after having watched the show from the very beginning. You have inspired me to make loads of Sim Brother series, and I hope you feel proud for that. It would be excellent if one day you reconsidered and made another series.


Written at 16:42 on Sunday, 10 June 2007 by Andy (TSZ) (Andy)
Thankyou to all of the above for your kind comments. I did not know how much my work had influenced some of you. I am honoured. I will continue to be involved with TSZ in my usual creative and adminstrative role and another project (albeit less demanding) will be coming up soon.

Due to these kind remarks of yours, I have decided that I will be releasing the SBV set. You made this happen :) Thanks, guys.
Site Manager & Assistant Webmaster

Written at 15:05 on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 by Joel (Joel)
I would like you to know that I have not commented on the series as I have not been a member. Had you made it clearer that you wanted comments earlier on, then I would have registered at the start of series 3, when I first started watching. I simply registered to let you know that I think you've made a mistake in ending the show. Had you left it open, you could always return in a few years if comments like the ones above are continued to be made.

Hopefully Sim Brother will get back to us in the distant future...

Written at 20:07 on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 by TickleOnTheTum (tickleonthetum)
Personally, I've never liked these Big Brother things. I find them very contrived and a bit pointless, mind you that applies to the "real" thing these days to. But, I'm surprised that those that do follow it haven't commented.

What I don't like here is the way the regular Sims 2 news gets pushed out by the SB updates. I think there should be a seperate news headlines block on the front page for SB, perhaps a scrolling banner box.

As for wether you give it up or ot, then all I say is: do it while you enjoy it, if you don't then stop. You owe it to yourself.

Written at 02:26 on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 by gerardo (stupid_einstein)

Written at 19:14 on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 by Andy (TSZ) (Andy)
@TickleOnTheTum. (Does Ralph McTell play TS2?)

Are you putting yourself up for the position of newshound?

If so, please contact me immediately with example news items as we could do with one :) The work is unpaid but you get to keep the community informed of the latest TS2 news.

If you are not putting up for a job here, then why not create your own TS2 news fansite?

You clearly have a few ideas there and it seems that you have the time to post comments of your own.

If you are not doing either, what is the point of this posting?

ChEeTaH has been tied up with end of year finals and I am having trying to take a break from SBV (Sim Brother V) and get on with other things for this site. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Just to remind ToTT and other viewers, these facts were provided in a news posting a few weeks ago.
Site Manager & Assistant Webmaster

Written at 20:38 on Monday, 18 June 2007 by Omie (DAYZA)
truth about wat now (( !! ))
<3 Dayza ere LuFFiiNg M@rCo i.d.s.t <3

Written at 14:32 on Friday, 22 August 2008 by mrsir2
I wish I had been around at the time that series 5 was on. I was allways busy so I never had a chance to read through them.
Just now I discovered the aftermath & after reading it decided that I needed to comment & tell you how I felt.
I have enjoyed reading through all of your series & they have entertained me so much. I think that this Sim Brother is one of the best out there & that it will be missed by many of its viewers.
I would have loved to comment if I had the option, but I never did. Maybe, if I had been able to comment on the actual articles I would have, but thats all in the past now.
As you may remember, I did e-mail asking when series 5 was going to start & I was delighted when I saw it pop up on the site. Only, that was after the show had ended. I began reading the episodes & enjoyed them very much.
I think that yeveryone at SB has great tallent & I would love to see a future series. Even if It was just a mini seires.
So, please if you could, bring it back. I know this wont change your mind but you never know,
- Mrsir2
Rock on Simmy peps!!!

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