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Sim Brother V - Cat's Eyes 6
Sim Brother V - Cat's Eyes Sim Brother has gone into its final week. Including today the housemates have just about 7 days to go until the end of the show next Friday. Seven short days, which they'll most likely see out like the 43 they've already sat through. The walls on the Sim Brother estate will still be their home for this final week, after that they will be set free in the wild again, back out in the real world. But first, you decide who wins. Harry, Hilary or Johnny? Cat's Eyes will help you, by looking back at the stays of each of these housemates so far. It's all in the sixth edition of Cat's Eyes.

Read Cat's Eyes 6 Now.

Written at 01:40 on Sunday, 27 May 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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