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Ford Mustang Download
Until now cars in the Sims have only been available to the happy owners of the Nightlife expansion pack. Recently that was changed, as EA released a Ford Mustang for download. Although at least one newer expansion than Nightlife is necessary in this case, any Sims fan with one of those packs can get the sports car into their game. For those without Nightlife but with Open For Business, Pets or Seasons there's a carkit download as well, which includes the driveways and such to make the car (only the Mustang!) work in the game. In the first version there was a bug with the headlights, but that's been fixed by now. If you previously downloaded the car and don't have Pets or Seasons, then you will need to do so again to solve the problem. It will be necessary to uninstall the first version before installing the new one though, as explained by MaxoidDramaLlama in a BBS post. To download the item head on over to the Ford Mustang page.

Written at 19:21 on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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