95,563,443 visitors since 2 February 2002 

The Neighborhood Handler 3.7 is out!
Yesterday I said The Neighborhood Handler 3.7 was nearly finished. Things have changed now though: it is completely finished! Group members are now able to download this version, and next week everybody can - for free! You can join the group here, and more information about The Neighborhood Handler can be found at http://tnhh.thesimszone.co.uk.

This is the full list of changes since version 3.6:
  • Some dialog windows now show up right in Windows XP too.
  • Links to e-mail addresses in the program now work in all Windows versions.
  • It didn't refresh the "Copy to" info when changing the house or downtown lot number in the Copy a House and Copy a Downtown Area options. This has been fixed.
  • It now checks if there's a downtown in the selected back-up or neighborhood in the copy a downtown area option, and prevents copying if it's not there. The "Repair a Neighborhood" option should be used to create downtown in a neighborhood or back-up if it's not there.
  • The dialog box when restoring a back-up now shows the right slot. It did copy the right slot before, so it wasn't a very serious bug (Thanks to Wolf for reporting this bug).
  • The "Refresh a Back-up" option now shows a back-up's info if no expansion pack is installed.
  • The "Refresh a Back-up" option now writes the back-up information correctly after refreshing if no expansion pack is installed.
  • The "Refresh a Back-up" info now also works correctly (overall).
  • The copying of files method has been rewritten in a (hopefully) more stable way.
  • The "About" dialog now shows the right version number again.
  • Typos in the manual have been fixed.
  • The manual has had a few fixes in the design resulting in better browser compatibility.
  • My email address has changed to ChEeTaH@simply-life.net.
  • Updated legal terms prevent the selling for profit of The Neighborhood Handler better.
  • The "Copy a vacation area", "Install houses/families", "Tutorials" and "Glossary" chapters are added to the manual.
  • The "Repair a Neighborhood" option can now also remove the "Read-only" attribute from files, and isn't an option that only works with an Expansion pack installed anymore.
  • In the options, you can now select more specific command-line parameters.
  • The "Copy a Vacation Area" option has been added.
  • The option if you have Vacation installed has been added.
  • The "Install houses or families" option has been added.
  • 3 new DLL files are required.
  • Some other minor changes/fixes have been made.
This new version will be available here next week sunday. If you can't wait, then join the group here.
Written at 18:35 on Sunday, 31 March 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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