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Seasons FAQ at BBS: Patches Coming
Sam Player, senior producer for the Sims 2 expansion packs, has posted a FAQ in two parts on the official site's BBS. He tells about how to find the wishing well, getting rid of the 800x600 resolution lock, red and flashing objects and hacks causing trouble with the new expansion pack, causing some gameplay not to work. Sam also gives the correct recipes for all the juices - they were changed since the official Prima strategy guide went to print, and the guide doesn't have the correct recipes. He tells to skip putting fruit and vegetables in the fridge if you want to make juice from them, as well as a bug with seasons not changing on owned community lots. They're not supposed to change on normal community lots, since Sims don't age there as well, but if somebody owns a community lot the season it's on will always be the season the player was in when they first went to the lot. This issue will be addressed in a patch.

Sam says there will be two patches for Seasons. The first one is currently in testing and will be out in about a week. It will fix only a few major issues. Work on a second patch has not yet begun, but will once the necessary information has been gathered. Maxis is expecting to have it ready around April, maybe May. To report any problems you're having, fill out the Feedback Form. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the FAQ for more details.

Written at 20:05 on Tuesday, 20 March 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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