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The Sims 2 Info at CNN
In an article at CNN Money there's some information about The Sims Online and The Sims 2. According to the article, the last of the two will be announced later this year. I think that it won't be released before 2003 though, so it'll be a wait. The Sims 2 will be more story-based than the game we're all continuously playing now (The Sims). For instance, there will be cuts and fadings when, for instance, a Sim gets turned down by the Sim he/she loves. If it'll result in wet keyboards because of tears won't be known until the release of it. The release date for The Sims 2 is unknown, The Sims Online is planned later this year. SimGolf in Europe has been delayed again, to late April this time. Also SimCity 4000 is expected to be finished in 2003, although that is unconfirmed too.

The whole article can be read here.

Written at 00:41 on Saturday, 30 March 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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