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NGamer Sims for Wii Preview
A few days ago website ComputerAndVideoGames posted an article from NGamer about the Sims on Nintendo's Wii. They start off by saying it's the Sims in a more Japanese style, and much like Animal crossing the game will let you build the entire world. Not just your own home, but also the businesses and homes for other residents. The preview says there won't be a pre-built communal area like in previous Sims games. EA Japan makes full use of the remote pointer, that will replicate the PC's mouse control. You can also create your own Sims of course, and like the Mii creation (for the Wii), it's mostly about clothes and body shape. You won't really be able to recreate yourself, but using the Mii of your profile doesn't seem to be possible. Despite limited customisation on the faces, they do express the thought of a Sim, better than a meter bar or thought bubble. Development plans also mentioned online options (perhaps visiting other towns) and DS connectivity. More details can be found in the full preview.

Written at 06:22 on Sunday, 7 January 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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