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New Pets Screenshots and Artworks
The official site has recently been updated with various new screenshots of the Sims 2 pets - on all platforms. There are some Create a Pet screenshots for all platforms, as well as some generic in-game scenes on the PC and various handhelds. Besides all that, we also have a few artworks which were left behind at the announcement, all directly from EA. As if that's not enough, we also have five screenshots for the Nintendo DS and one for the GBA from DS-x2, found by GibbieSims. Check out everything by clicking the thumbnails below.
Generic Artworks:
The Sims 2 Pets Artwork The Sims 2 Pets Artwork The Sims 2 Pets Artwork The Sims 2 Pets Artwork The Sims 2 Pets Artwork The Sims 2 Pets Artwork

PC Screenshots:
The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC The Sims 2 Pets PC

Console (PS2, GameCube) Screenshots:
The Sims 2 Pets Consoles The Sims 2 Pets Consoles

The Sims 2 Pets PSP The Sims 2 Pets PSP The Sims 2 Pets PSP The Sims 2 Pets PSP

The Sims 2 Pets NDS (EA) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (EA) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (EA) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (EA) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (EA) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (DS-x2) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (DS-x2) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (DS-x2) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (DS-x2) The Sims 2 Pets NDS (DS-x2)

The Sims 2 Pets GBA (EA) The Sims 2 Pets GBA (EA) The Sims 2 Pets GBA (EA) The Sims 2 Pets GBA (EA) The Sims 2 Pets GBA (EA) The Sims 2 Pets GBA (DS-x2)

Written at 05:05 on Thursday, 24 August 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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