Just like several bands did for Open for Business, the upcoming Sims game The Sims 2 Pets (expansion pack on PC) will feature real-life artists who recorded one of their songs in Simlish. Aly and AJ have performed "Chemicals React," which can be found on the Deluxe Edition of Into the Rush, in Simlish. The song will appear in the PC, PlayStation 2, GameCube and PSP versions of the game - the DS and GBA editions will not feature it. The Deluxe Edition of Into the Rush is now available in stores with an extra bonus dvd, which includes the full video of the song. Yahoo! Music will host the world premiere of the complete Simlish Aly & AJ video on August 22nd, but so far a trailer of it has been published on the official site. The press release announcing the collaboration between EA and Aly and AJ is found together with the trailer on a special Aly and AJ page.
Written at 05:11 on Tuesday, 15 August 2006 by ChEeTaH.