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Community Manager, EP Update and Patches
On the BBS of the official site Hunter Howe (MaxoidHunter) has posted a message regarding the near future of the Sims 2 community. First of all, he mentions there's a new community manager. Since MaxoidKane left - rumours go she went to Spore - several members of the web team took over the job. Now MaxoidMel will be working for Maxis communicating to the fans. Other than that, Hunter says the next expansion (rumoured to be the Sims 2: Pets) is looking great, although he can't give more info for another few weeks. The official announcement will be made in a couple of weeks, when the pack is in "an awesome state" for Maxis to show it off to the fans. Finally, Hunter says two patches, for Open for Business and Family Fun Stuff, are nearing completion and are now at quality insurance. The patches should arrive soon. For all the precise details, read Hunter's message.

Written at 23:36 on Wednesday, 7 June 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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