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Expansion 4: Pets
Live from the E3 in Los Angeles comes the news that the next Sims 2 expansion pack will be all about pets. One of the most requested features will be put in the fourth expansion pack for the game, with the title "The Sims 2 Pets." The trailer is being shown at EA's 360 booth in the South Hall at the LA Convention Center, where the E3 is being held. We'll have pictures and more up later, so stay tuned for the first graphics of this new expansion!

Written at 23:58 on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 00:21 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by hiki (hiki)
Great News ChEeTaH

Thanks :-)

Written at 01:02 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by tracey (tlc10175)
kewl!! :) Thank you!

Written at 01:02 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by TickleOnTheTum (tickleonthetum)
This is great news, and I look forward to an update... soon?!

Written at 01:03 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Melissa (Mellisenda)
Yay! Thank you so much for posting this news. I will happily await your pictures. :D
:D Melissa
Mellisenda's Sims 2

Written at 02:10 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Layla Sims (LaylaSims)
Thank you! At last, the EP I've been waiting for since TS2 came out.

I want my Sim pets back!!!!

Written at 02:13 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Daniel Kmety (simsbaby)
I don't think this is true at all.

Written at 02:22 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by TickleOnTheTum (tickleonthetum)
ChEeTaH is not the kind of person to make things up in my experience. I'm sure there will be pics. & a video of it very soon.

Written at 03:53 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Joseph (joesemsims)

Written at 04:33 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Rachael (Purplepaws)
Edited at 04:33 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Rachael (Purplepaws)
Thanks for the clip link, joesemsims! Is that THE trailer, or is there a longer, more in-depth one I should be anticipating?

Written at 20:34 on Thursday, 11 May 2006 by Gina Ayars (gdayars)
YEA! YEA! YEA! (doing the happy dance)

Written at 13:02 on Friday, 12 May 2006 by Ruairi (ruairi)
cant wait!

Written at 18:08 on Wednesday, 17 May 2006 by marina (pmarinas)
i hope its better than family fun stuff

Written at 03:46 on Monday, 22 May 2006 by Amber Isabell Diamond (AmberIsabellD)
YAY I cant wait!!!! I hope they make expansion packs like makin magic and vacation too!
I love sims2.. AND THE PETS!

Written at 20:13 on Monday, 22 May 2006 by Diane (chan58ca)
Wow!! Looking forward to this one, yes!!! :)

Written at 20:41 on Monday, 22 May 2006 by jyrian (jrose323)
Whats so good about pet.Someone please tell me. You pick up dog poop and have to take care of the curtains and sofa being tore.Plus you have to flush a fish when it dies.The only thing i can say is i hope we can play as them.

Written at 22:05 on Tuesday, 23 May 2006 by Amber Isabell Diamond (AmberIsabellD)
What isnt good about pets?!? Good companions! And so much more
I love sims2.. AND THE PETS!

Written at 00:49 on Wednesday, 7 June 2006 by MightyLeo
Truly proof that whining, complaining BBS'ers get their way...

Written at 18:14 on Monday, 14 August 2006 by Jason Crawford (jason7871)
Edited at 18:16 on Monday, 14 August 2006 by Jason Crawford (jason7871)
oh i just can't wait for Pets and Glamour Life i know they will be added favorites of mine,as i also know there are people who don't like Pets and Stuff Packs well all i can say too them is just buy the one's you want and let the rest of us have what we want ,it's bout what ALL Fans want not just one or two people believe me if it was just them buying the games it would fold under but guess what there are millions who play and thousands still playing and buying so i guess we take the rerun packs and stuff paks and the new ep's and all get along and have fun simming and not complain,smile i love the sims1 and sims2 and have all the ep's of both and love playing them i am happy as long as it doesn't die like the sims1 official site,it's grey and murky and awful lonely there oh well hi everyone have fun simming today peace love and the sims woohoo!!!

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