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Open for Business Preview
When Tim LeTourneau was in the UK to present Open for Business to the press, website EuroGamer talked to him about the expansion pack as well. The result is a new preview, that gives a little bit of new information. For example, the three basic types of businesses are mentioned: pay-per-item, pay-per-service, and pay-per-time. Using stories from a demo, it also tells that one of the robots, probably hydro bot, was spraying water all over the place when it was broken. A cleaner but ran after it, cleaning up all the puddles. Things like conical roofing, awnings, split-level places and elevators are also briefly mentioned.

In the interview on the second page, which is more general about the Sims itself, Tim also mentions that Open for Business probably won't be available through EA Downloader, a service that EA introduced with the Holiday Party Pack. For more details, be sure to read the preview.

Written at 16:46 on Saturday, 14 January 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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