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The Sims 1 Complete Collection
Our affiliate SimsZone reports that a complete collection for the Sims 1 is to be released soon. As you might expect, it contains the Sims Deluxe (including all its extras, and of course Livin' Large), House Party, Hot Date, Vacation, Unleashed, Superstar and Makin' Magic - all the expansion packs ever released for the Sims 1. According to SimsZone the collection will be released in the US at 1 November for the price of $39.99 (on Amazon). Below are some pack shots of the box - the red ones are for the US version, where the frontal thumbnail can be clicked for a larger versions, and the yellow box is for the European version of the collection. Europe will get the complete collection as of 17/18 November - the price is yet unknown for Europe. Its rating has been upped from 7+ for the later expansion packs (rated by PEGI) to 12+ for the collection. The US version will keep its T (Teen, 13+) rating. Naturally the pack will also be available in our shop. Americans can already pre-order it now.

The Sims Complete Collection (Europe) Box Shot The Sims Complete Collection (US) Box Shot The Sims Complete Collection (US) Box Shot

Written at 18:55 on Thursday, 20 October 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 18:55 on Friday, 21 October 2005 by YoppaDo
I thought it had been out in the uk for a long time. I've seen it in shops and on the internet.

Written at 13:26 on Saturday, 22 October 2005 by Joshua Humber (TheSimsLounge)
I agree, I've seen it in shops in the UK for ages.
Joshua Humber

The Sims Lounge .com

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