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The False Myths/Legends of Sims 2 Explored And Exploded

Every once in a while somebody posts a great link on Usenet that just has to be shared around with the entire community and then some more. The site also has a really rather funky set of game modifications to play with as well.

Did you know that the actual chance of being abducted by aliens is not 5% as stated in the strategy guide but is less than one tenth of a percent per star gazing session?

Did you know that it's possible to make toddlers hyper-active and requrie no sleep whatsoever?

The thread explodes a few other myths and problems in the game, including a "all the kids are the same!" bug and a curious problem that affects all Sims in the Simbin - they're there permanently, basically.

Click Here to read the thread.

So far as game hacks go:
No "A grade" cheering, less whining at low needs, solution for the "I must trapse up 6 flights of stairs to put a empty coffee cup on an end table" thing + other odds and ends.

Well worth a look: Click here.

Written at 22:58 on Sunday, 12 June 2005 by Neil.

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