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Sims Franchise still strong in Fiscal 2005
Last week EA revealed their results of the fiscal year 2005, which ran from April 2004 until March 2005. The Sims franchise brought more than 1 billion dollars into EA's bank account, by selling more than 16 million copies. The Sims 2 University has also reached platinum in the past quarter. During the conference call, EA also mentioned the new platforms, like the PSP and mobile phones, that EA will start publishing games on, including the Sims 2.

EA's revenue has for the first time ever surpassed $3 billion, of which $1.7 billion came from the US and $1.3 billion from Europe. EA thinks the fiscal 2006 game lineup is stronger than ever before, with titles like Burnout 4, Black, Battlefield 2, The Sims 2 on consoles, and the usual sports titles including Madden and Fifa Football. The company is ready to start operating on the next generation consoles, which will be shown on the E3 which starts in just over a week. All in all it's been a successful year for Electronic Arts, and we should have a nice E3 coming ahead of us if we should believe them. For more information, also see the press release.

Written at 23:58 on Friday, 6 May 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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