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New University Cheats & Hacks Info
Now the Sims 2 University is out, many people are trying things out with the game. The first problems have also arrived, mainly having to do with installed hacks. It is said old versions of the hacks don't work properly anymore after installing the first expansion pack. Some hacks even cause major problems, and it's advised that you uninstall any of those prior to installing the first expansion pack. More information about the problems can be found in this thread at ModTheSims2, which also has a list of hacks that do and do not (yet) work with the expansion pack. Currently all our objects for the Sims 2 that you find on this site are expansion pack ready, and should not cause any problems in your game. If you want to be sure that you got a proper version, it might be wise to redownload and reinstall those objects.

Other news concerns some new cheats. We already gave one cheat to place objects diagonally earlier, but that one is not right (as may have been expected). The other two were known, but now some more details are given:
  • changeLotZoning [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety]: Changes the zoning type of the lot. Before rezoning a lot using this cheat, make sure there are no Sims currently living in the lot. To use this cheat, enter the lot that you would like to rezone, and then enter the cheat, choosing one of these zoning options.
  • boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled [true|false]: Enables build/buy mode tools that would normally be disabled when in a dorm lot.
  • boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true|false]: Allows users to rotate any object in 45 degree increments instead of the 90 degree increments used for most objects.
These cheats, as well as the descriptions, are placed in the Readme file of the Sims 2 University. Thanks to SP Zone and AlphaZedPrime in this thread at N99 for the info.

Written at 00:41 on Thursday, 3 March 2005 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 06:26 on Thursday, 3 March 2005 by Robin (Vanilla_Sim)
Just thought I would confirm the 45 degree object rotation.

Copied right from the readme file from TS2U.

boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true/false: allows users to rotate any object in 45 degree increments instead of the 90 degree increments used for most objects.

I can also confirm that it does work. It is so cool. I did find on my computer I had to use the < and > for the rotation. I couldn't just grab and rotate.

If I'm being redundant please excuse me. Just wanted to give you the tip about the rotation keys. Also, I'm very happy to finally have become a member of SimZone. Cheers!

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