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Legal Battle over Hacks
The WallStreet Journal has posted an article which describes the events that happened to NinjaHacker.net. The site has been sued by the Japanese gaming company Tecmo Inc., for copyright violations and other things. This happened due to the website posting nude skins and other modifications for the Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball game on X-Box. In the article (former) "manager of online services for Maxis" Caryl Shaw (she has been transferred to another project since last Monday, still within Maxis) talks about Sims fans making mods for the Sims. While the EA tries to prevent hosting nude skins nor do they try to link to sites with such content, they also do not "pass moral judgments upon our users." Two sims fans creating nude skins for the Sims 2 themselves are quoted as well. Read the article for the things they and others have to say about the situation.

Written at 23:31 on Wednesday, 23 February 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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